“ESG” Efforts to Rid the World of Fossil Fuels Will Drive Humanity Back to Medieval Times
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) divesting in fossil fuels, the “demons of the world” is leading society back to the decarbonized world of the 1800’s and before. Today, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) divesting in fossil fuels are all the rage on Wall Street these days to divest in all …
Canada’s Freedom Convoy Is a Victory for Democracy – at Least for Now
On Feb. 23, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revoked the Emergencies Act that he had used to crush the Freedom Convoy – a protest that had made Ottawa the focus of world news for over three weeks. Why did he do it? He wasn’t clear. Was it because he didn’t …
Opinion: Steven Maslow, “Ukraine and the Ironies of History”
“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.” –Elie Wiesel, Author of Night and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature That truth is the first casualty in war has been observed at least since the …
“Leader of the Free World? Vlodomyr Zalinsky”
We like to call the President of the United States the leader of the free world. Sadly, that is not true today. The State of the Union speech was an utter failure. Putin’s ultimate provocation, the disarming of the west’s energy policy and Europe’s dependence on Russian gas and oil, needs an immediate …
For Texans and Australians, it’s breezes and sunshine, or no grid at all
With their ban on nuclear and the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) divesting objectives to divest in coal, natural gas, and crude oil, all their eggs are on breezes and sunshine for electricity. The Texans’ Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), and Australians are constantly being blown away with the …
I’m not “Brave”; You’re Just a P—y.
Some people who love me advised me not to write this essay, and not to use its current title. “Take the high road,” I was advised. Usually that is a good idea, but not in this case — not at this moment. In this essay I need to talk about …
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency favors more energy costs for all
America, with 4.1 percent of the world’s population (330 million vs 8 billion) professes to be the leader of everything but tightening the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for particulate matter is ludicrous when China, India, Indonesia, Japan, and Vietnam are sending their existing PM2.5 across the Pacific Ocean …
It’s Time to Say Goodbye to the Lockdown
For two years, they have lied to us all the time about everything. Nothing they did to stop the virus worked. Everything they did failed. The things that would have worked, they either lied about, ignored or suppressed. It’s time to say goodbye to the Lockdown. It’s time to take …
Letter to DailyClout: Heartfelt Cry for Help from Long Island
Dear Naomi, My name is Sarah Adams. I am a retired Critical Care Nurse and reluctant Parent activist. I live in New York State, which has increasingly turned into a dystopian nightmare. From day one of Covid, I intuitively understood the Government’s reaction was intentionally destructive and irrational. I read …
OPINION: Ottawa, Canada is Following Germany’s Failed Climate Goals
Ottawa Parliament in Winter. Photo taken at dusk with a mobile phone. (stock image.) Shockingly, just to reduce emissions to supposedly stop climate change, the city of Ottawa, Canada is following the lead of Germany, Australia, and California that now have among the highest costs for electricity because of their decarbonization …
Letter to DailyClout: Dangerous Illinois Bills Proposed: Vaccine Registry and Forcible Quarantine!
Dear DailyClout, I am not a political activist in any way. However, as a mother, a daughter, and a physician assistant for 33 years, I speak from kindness and wisdom. I have also had the honor to educate and treat many outpatients with Covid as well. HB4244 was introduced to …
The Supreme Court’s 2022 Vaccine Mandate Decisions
The United States Supreme Court handed down two opinions concerning federal vaccine mandates on January 13, 2022. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) vaccine mandate that would have subjected 84 million Americans to unwanted COVID-19 vaccination simply because they were employed in companies with 100 or more employees was …
When Kathy Hochul replaced Governor Andrew Cuomo in August 2022, she was hailed, as the first female governor of New York. New Yorkers hoped for relief from the punishing lockdowns and mandates imposed by Cuomo, who was forced to resign when charged with sexual harassment. But Governor Hochul has proven to …
Trump Rally Houston Texas
President Trump came to Houston on January 29, 2022, and the crowd was energetic and substantial. I went to listen and report. Whatever your thoughts may be about President Trump, based on today’s events, it must be acknowledged that he’s got an incredibly enthusiastic following in the state of Texas. …
Prewar Germany and 2022
Are there meaningful parallels between prewar Germany and 2022? After all, the Rally Against the Vaccines on January 23rd was a major success and has led to a perceptible turn in the public discourse about vaccines. That, on top of SCOTUS overturning employer-mandated vaccines (except in the case of Healthcare …
DEAR DR NAOMI WOLF: “More Damage Than We Know — A Mother’s Testimony of Collateral Damage”
Dear Dr. Wolf, Please see the note below from ACPS in Virginia. My child attends school there and has been harmed by these horrible policies. Sadly, X’s father, from whom I am divorced, is filled with fear, and has indoctrinated X with such fear to the extent that X is …
MEDICAL OPINION: “Israel Vaccinating Babies—Unethical, Unconscionable and Unnecessary”
Vacinal antibodies have a higher affinity for antigen, seeking it out to bind with it. Possibly more concerning is that these vaccines are non-sterilizing, meaning they cannot neutralize the virus. Understanding these two concepts, in this context, illustrates the ethical, moral and scientific dilemma that the COVID-19 shots have created. …
CITIZENS’ CORNER: Letter From The Audience- VAERS Analysis
Hi! Are you guys aware of the work Jessica Rose is doing analyzing the VAERS data? Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher with a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master’s degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD in Computational Biology from …
Big Fights Ahead in 2022
Dear DailyClout Community, I want to take a moment to congratulate you on an extraordinary past six months as activists/leaders in this DailyClout community, and I want to show you what we achieved together in 2021, as well as alert you to the big fights ahead in 2022. Some highlights …
COVID Truths You Haven’t Heard
Are you struggling to communicate with friends, family and colleagues whose views about COVID and it’s treatment differ from yours? Many Americans have found themselves disconnected from loved ones because they seem to be unwilling to listen to facts about the pandemic that differ from those being promoted by government …