“If you remain silent at a time like this, relief and rescue shall come to the Jews from elsewhere, and you and your family will be lost.” — ESTHER 4:14 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) Originally Published at Israel365 News Since the start of 2023, Israel has suffered a wave of deadly […]
A letter to supporters of Israel: It is time to break your silence
Even as Israel slides further into religious fascism, and chants of “death to the Arabs” become commonplace, there are still those who say “I’ll wait and see.” It is time for them to speak up. Dear Supporters of Israel, It is time to step out and criticize this country that […]
An End to COVID-19 in Israel? Conflicting Reports Remain Unclear
COVID-19 to be Downgraded to a Flu in Israel This Month – Maybe Last week an Israel-based news site called Ynet reported that Israel has made the decision to end COVID-19 as an emergency health situation and downgrade it to be treated like the flu. In looking for further reporting and […]
Sperm counts worldwide have plunged 62% in under 50 years, Israeli-led study finds
Sperm counts worldwide have plummeted by 62 percent since 1973, according to new Israeli-led research. The research paper was published on Tuesday in the journal Human Reproduction Update. At the rate of current decline, fertility is projected to start to dip globally within a decade. Plummeting sperm counts, decreasing over 1 percent […]
Ometz: Israel’s Medical Freedom Movement Enters Politics
Israel Heads to the Polls Israeli elections are taking place tomorrow, yet again. There’s plenty of coverage in the mainstream media such as Jerusalem Post about the various parties and candidates, but this post is going to focus on one small party called Ometz, which means Strength of Courage. I […]
Israeli Elections, Explained
Israeli elections are around the corner yet again, and the voting process has had the country in a perpetual cycle of elections over the last few years. Dani Wassner of the Jewish Federations of North America does a great job explaining exactly why that’s the case, and what has to […]
Opinion—Trump’s New Policy on Israeli Settlements Is Illegal and Self-Serving
Thumbing his nose at the Geneva Convention, the Rome Statute, the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly and the International Court of Justice, Donald Trump decided that Israel’s unlawful construction of Jewish settlements in occupied Palestinian territory is lawful. This policy change is part of Trump’s pattern of […]