OUTLOOK, SK: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is defending the leader of a federal political party and five other defendants today at a court hearing in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The trial of the Honourable Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) and seven others charged with […]
Two weeks to flatten the curve, two years to flatten our freedoms
CALGARY: On the two-year anniversary of the first Covid lockdowns in Canada, the Justice Centre has released a new, detailed report: “Two weeks to flatten the curve, two years to flatten our freedoms.” Starting on March 15, 2020, Canada’s provincial governments announced or immediately imposed school closures and other lockdown measures for a […]
Canada’s Freedom Convoy Is a Victory for Democracy – at Least for Now
On Feb. 23, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revoked the Emergencies Act that he had used to crush the Freedom Convoy – a protest that had made Ottawa the focus of world news for over three weeks. Why did he do it? He wasn’t clear. Was it because he didn’t […]
6 Canadian provinces lift mandates amidst protests
It has been two weeks since protesters gathered to oppose mandates, creating Canada’s Freedom Convoy. Despite the backlash and challenges, it appears the protests are actually proving to be effective. 5 Canadian provinces have declared that they are going to back down, putting an end to their COVID-19 restrictions. […]
Jay Cameron explains Canada’s Emergency Act
Dr. Naomi Wolf speaks with Jay Cameron, Litigation Director of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms about the Canadians Emergency Act. Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms in Canada is a non-profit law firm dedicated to the education and defense of Canadians’ constitutional rights, especially freedom of religion and conscience, freedom […]
A new bill could mean asylum for protesting Canadian truckers
New Mexico representative Yvette Herrell (R-N.M) is planning to introduce a bill that would offer asylum to Canadian truckers involved in the vaccine mandate protests. Herrell said in a statement on Twitter: “I am introducing legislation that would temporarily grant asylum to innocent Canadian protesters who are being persecuted by […]
Arrest Warrant Update for Dr. Alexander
As you see, I am now in California with the US trucker convoy as I will be speaking this morning. Look, my lawyer have been communicating with Ottawa and addressing this. As you know, I am not getting into bashing police etc. For as I have said, the police were […]
The People’s Trucker Convoy peacefully moves onward towards Arizona
February 24th 2022. Dr. Paul Alexander reports on the progress of the People’s Trucker Convoy. After leaving Mojave Adelanto California yesterday, the convoy has been moving along the highway towards Lupton Arizona. There is nothing but praise to all those involved to push forward a protest that is peaceful, civil, […]
The Fall of Canada, the Danger in the US
The world has watched, in pain, as images of police violence from Ottawa, and of a bid for Canadian tyranny (that I would ever write those words!) are flashed around the world. As usual, I hate to be Cassandra; but the chessboard ahead is all too clear. On Feb 12, […]
Watch the Press Conference that followed the Canadian Convoy truck captains and leaders, in Ottawa, Canada, on Feb 8, 2022: Dr Paul Alexander and others were asked as scientists to comment. Dr. Roger Hodkinson and Dr. Paul Alexander spoke; seated there as well was Mr. Roy Beyer. Security personnel and […]
Dr Naomi Wolf LIVE January 19, 2022 at 7pm ET