Here’s Why Roe Overturn is “Devastating” for Women

Wendy Murphy, a Boston attorney and impact litigator specializing in constitutional and civil rights, discusses the “devastating” decision of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. From women’s history of inequality to what the decision might mean for pregnant women moving forward.
Are women even in the Constitution? Don’t miss this legal take on the overturn of Roe!
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One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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Are women in the Constitution?
Yes. As I am sure you know, people as a group were referred to by the male pronoun back in the day. This persisted until recent decades.
Ignoring this is basically working to create a sex-based reaction that, unfortunately, is uninformed.
Sorry… I used to be pro-choice, but you genocidal pieces of excrement lost me once you started advocating for the dismemberment of viable babies for a good reason (life of the mother, severe birth defect), a lame reason (oh, its not convenient), or no reason at all (“muh choice”). In America, we root for the underdog, which is no longer portrayed as a frightened 9-week-pregnant teenager, but some shrieking blue-haired obese slut holding a bloody baby-doll shrieking about her “rights”
Keep your legs shut, slut. I’d rather watch you all die before I ever get suckered in by your bogus “women’s health” rhetoric ever again, and I don’t care what sob story you give because we don’t believe a single word you say anymore.
Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice … sorry, not that dumb. I draw the line at infanticide.
Well said‼️Abortion was supposed to be safe and rare! Now it is the radical lefts choice for genocide and infantacide along with big pharma’s slush box of organs for experimentation
Abortion, not the “Roe overturn”, is often “devastating” for women and is always “devastating” for the baby.
Ms. Murphy, due to your title “Here’s why Roe overturn is “Devastating” for Women”, I was genuinely interested in what you had to say.
Aside from the usual and customary “my body my choice”, which btw I wholeheartedly agree, with the exception of having a baby developing in your womb. At that point technically and factually it is no longer JUST your body, you are sharing your body with a baby. There is your body and the baby’s body.
A “clump of cells”! Ms. Murphy, everything is a “clump of cells”. Let’s be intellectually honest and call it what it is, a living intelligent developing human being. Six weeks and a heartbeat!
Aside from those same ole talking points, where you lost me, and lose your credibility is to say, Now legally “when a woman is pregnant she no longer exists”! Also, “women are enslaved”!
Etc. etc.
Just so you know, I have worked in the mental health and addiction field specializing with young people for many years. During that time I have worked with well over two hundred young girls and women that were challenged with the decision of getting an abortion or giving birth to a baby. I will tell you, that roughly 85% or so of these young women’s natural response was to give birth to their baby, however, due to the culture and pressures here in Los Angeles, and pressure from their parents is to abort the baby.
Planned parenthood should be outlawed due to the fact they are an extremely corrupt organization. When I was a very young counselor and didn’t know better I would simply refer my clients over to planned parenthood, 100% of the time the young girl got an abortion.
After many years had passed I was working with this 15-year-old girl, turns out she was six and a half months pregnant. To make a long story short, without anyone notifying me, her parents took her down to planned parenthood down in Van Nuys CA. Planned parenthood sent her to one of their doctors and gave that young girl an abortion, or I should say, murdered the baby, and traumatized the girl for many years to come.
I wanted to report planned parenthood and their doctor but her parents threatened to report me for breaching confidentiality. What a disgusting dark scam!
Needless to say, after that experience, I would never send a woman to any planned parenthood.
Are you aware that the state of CA has a bill working its way through the legislation that allows “a woman to abort/murder their baby up to 7 days after birth, perhaps even weeks? It’s all in the legal wording that is meant to confuse! AB 2223
Can’t you see, you have brought this ruling upon yourselves. For decades the “pro-choice” camp has pushed and pushed and pushed to the point of murdering babies, and all in the name of “my body my choice”!
The only counties that kill or have killed more babies than America are and have been communist and totalitarian states.
Ms. Murhry, why is it that roughly 8% of women in America are African American yet they make up for 38% of all abortions!
Many blessings to you…
When Meghan Markel lost her 4 month old (child) pregnancy due to a miscarriage, she said she lost a child, or something close to that. The main stream media and the glitterati offered up condolences and coddles with warm and fuzzy words. What is it that differentiates her “child” from the many aborted “children” that result in death by choice? Is it the blood line ,or the fact that one is wanted and one is not? In this day and age surely we must have a better working definition other than convenience.. If woman do not want to get pregnant, I am sure Bill Gates has a “vaccine” to solve that problem. Additionally, abortion has spawned a disgusting business of selling baby body parts not unlike the Chinese practice of harvesting organs from the Falun Gong and probably the Uyghurs. As a society, we either have respect for the sanctity of lifer, or we don’t. Where do we draw the line?
Abortion is murder. Besides killing an innocent life, abortion is devastating to women, scarring them for the rest of their life. The trauma of abortion on the womb can also affect future offspring from the same womb.
There’s more to a fetus than “a clump of cells, frankly”. Asa mother who aborted at 10 weeks before Roe v. Wade in NYC as soon as it was legal in NY, I can tell you, the bond was there from the beginning. So when I asked the doctor if he would tell me if it was a girl or a boy, he swept aside my obvious need for counseling: “Why should you care?” The heartaches is lifelong and a woman needs to have the full picture and alternatives to be able to give informed consent. Any legal discussion of abortion should not omit the full human status of women including the emotional conditions of pregnancy for the mother, besides hosting “a clump of cells” others think she should have removed.
Thank you for relating your story, Diana. And I’m very sorry for your loss. 🙁