“Trump’s Frivolous Lawsuits Are the Tip of the Iceberg in His Refusal to Concede”
Truthout As masses of people poured into the streets to celebrate the end of Donald Trump’s fascist rule, the lame duck president’s lawyers were filing frivolous lawsuits in an attempt to nullify Joe Biden’s victory. But none of these suits, even if successful, would change the results of the election. …
“Leadership Change Represents Opportunity for U.S. to Improve its Pandemic Response; Defeating Pandemic is Prerequisite for Success in Domestic and Foreign Affairs”
My op-ed “Controlling the COVID-19 pandemic is the main challenge facing the Joe Biden administration and American society” sparked a lot of controversy on Twitter. However, I stand by my position: Biden’s election represents an opportunity for the U.S. to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control. I hope that my friends on …
“Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic is the Main Challenge Facing the Biden Administration”
In March 2020, at the outset of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States, I offered the White House some urgent suggestions regarding how to control the epidemic. My main ideas can be summarized as follows: The epidemic should be deemed a national security issue and responded to as such. …
“The FDA Will Not Inspect Vaccine Production Plants”
Approval of a vaccine by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) typically requires inspection of the vaccine’s manufacturing plants. In a Covid-19 world, this will not be the case. Covid-19 vaccine candidates will get a pass on FDA plant inspections, according to Bloomberg. As candidates reach the final phases of testing, …
Naomi Wolf Interviews Joe Sackman, Candidate for NYS Assembly District 15
Watch Naomi Wolf’s Interview with Joe Sackman, Candidate for NYS Assembly District 15. In Which He Addresses Opponent Michael Montesano’s Posts Mocking Trans People, Protesters Against Immigrant Ban and Police Violence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAZpvJGSkrg&feature=youtu.be
“The Native Title Act is a Real Threat to Preventing Climate Change”
The dominant cause of climate change is greenhouse emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and coal. The wellbeing and health of people is negatively impacted from air and water pollution. Legislation in Alaska and Australia has failed to protect the right to land ownership of the Indigenous people of …
“Failure of Australia’s Native Title Act”
On arrival, Captain James Cook declared Australia to be Terra Nullius a uninhabited land and claimed ownership for Britain (Way, R.N., 2005.). Thus, began the dispossession of land by the settlers from Indigenous Australians and continues today. Aboriginal people are determined to fight for their land to be given back …
“China Acting Contrary To Its Role In UNHRC”
The United Nations General Assembly recently re-elected members of the Human Rights Council. China, which has a notorious human rights record was also re-elected into the Council. Issues of human rights persecution in China such as oppression of religious freedom in Tibet, Uyghur concentration camps in Xinjiang, the prohibition of …
Bulletin Board: EME Jumps On the Notorious RVG in a Southern Equality GOTV Tour
Dear Naomi, As Election Day approaches, Equal Means Equal continues to work with our partners across the nation to help get out the vote. From ERA Minnesota to Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, we are committed to educating the public on the importance of women’s civic engagement RIGHT NOW. One of …
Daily Clout Exclusive: Renowned Scientist Dr. Haseltine, HIV Treatment Pioneer, On “How We Made Europe’s Avoidable Second Wave Unavoidable”
Early in 2020, Europe taught the rest of the world valuable lessons about what happens if you do not react quickly to the spread of Covid-19. Now, the continent is showing us what happens if you claim victory too early. Many European countries are today experiencing the dreaded second wave. …
“Barrett Is Poised to Become the Most Radical Right-Wing Member of Supreme Court”
Truthout https://truthout.org/series/human-rights-and-global-wrongs/ During her Supreme Court confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Amy Coney Barrett refused to say that voter intimidation is illegal, that armed poll watchers are intimidating, that voter discrimination exists, whether the president could deny someone the right to vote based on race or that Congress …
“Contract with LUMA Energy Sets up Full Privatization Higher Rates”
October 12, 2020 (IEEFA) ‒ A major contract signed with the LUMA Energy consortium may prevent Puerto Rico from building a safe, reliable and resilient electrical system, according to a new report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). The deal to operate the island’s grid came in the …
Is President Trump Going To Bring Affordable Health Care To Americans In A Potential Second Term?
SPONSORED CONTENT “Health care has emerged as a major pivot point for American voters who are deciding right now to, or planning how to, cast their ballots. At a time of medical pandemic, people’s access to reliable affordable health care is at the forefront of many voters’ minds. President Trump …
“The New Stimulus Bill Won’t Deliver — Not In The Long Term”
At the time of this writing, the on and off, then on again negotiations for a bi-partisan compromise on a bill to extend stimulus to our flagging economy are still in process. And, after the latest remarks by Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, on October 5th, legislators are forced to …
Daily Clout Exclusive: Renowned Scientist Dr. Haseltine, HIV Treatment Pioneer, On Covid “Herd Immunity”
Herd Immunity is a Double Tragedy in the Making Yesterday we learned that two unnamed White House spokespeople confirmed that achieving “herd immunity” for Covid-19 is part of the President’s plan to control the pandemic. Achieving herd immunity means effectively letting the virus spread unchecked. The head of the World Health Organization, …
“Be Wary of China’s Environmental Bargain”
World environmentalists seemed encouraged when Chinese Communist Party boss Xi Jinping told the UN General Assembly that China will achieve zero net carbon emissions by 2060. But (https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/519073-xi-jinping-as-an-environmentalist-cmon-man) the Chinese state under Xi can hardly be considered a true champion for environmental protections, because its “developing-at-all-costs” philosophy and exponential need …
“Covid-19 Vaccine Protocols Reveal That Trials Are Designed To Succeed”
Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson are leading candidates for the completion of a Covid-19 vaccine likely to be released in the coming months. These companies have published their vaccine trial protocols. This unusually transparent action during a major drug trial deserves praise, close inspection of the protocols raises …
“Assange Faces Extradition for Exposing US War Crimes”
Truthout https://truthout.org/articles/assange-faces-extradition-for-exposing-us-war-crimes/ Three weeks of testimony in Julian Assange’s extradition hearing in London underscored WikiLeaks’s extraordinary revelation of U.S. war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay. But the Trump administration is seeking to extradite Assange to the United States to stand trial for charges under the Espionage Act that could …
“Federal Health Agencies Push Back Against Political Interference”
Less than a month before the election and one week into President Trump’s own disease course, the White House is experiencing pushback from its foremost federal health agencies. On Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released stricter guidelines for authorizing Covid-19 vaccines, despite the best efforts of the current …
Did President Trump’s Handling of His Illness, With the Spectacle of His Opulent Health Care, Alienate his Base?
No one decent wishes President Trump, the First Lady, or any of the White House staff who were infected with Coronavirus, to be ill or suffer harm. But many commentators and observers on both sides of the aisle have been struck in the last few days, with the …