Amish Organic Farmer Faces Hefty Fine, Jail Time for Producing CLEAN MEAT

(Natural News) An Amish organic farmer is facing a hefty fine and a prison term for the simple crime of producing clean meat.
Amos Miller runs a holistically managed farm in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, where he breeds cows, chickens and pigs. The animals in his century-old farm are bred without the use of chemicals and medications mandated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). According to Miller, he raises his animals in the way he believes God intended them to be raised – in accordance with nature.
However, a federal judge ordered the Amish farmer to cease and desist all sales of his organic meat. This same magistrate also ordered Miller to pay $250,000 for “contempt of court” last summer. He added that the farmer needs to pay an initial $50,000 as a “good faith” payment to avoid jail.
To make matters worse, armed U.S. marshals raided his property, farm store and freezers at the behest of the federal judge. They took an inventory of all his meat to ensure he will no longer be able to sell or slaughter any more animals. (Related: Small town business owner spent 7 years building up organic meat company, only to be shut down by village board.)
Miller, who runs a private members-only food distribution network, alleged that the federal government is prosecuting him for practicing his religious freedom in the way he raises and prepares food. “Our members don’t want any of that. They want fresh, raw meat with no additives. Our members want it straight from the farm with no preservatives on it.”
The members of Miller’s private food club agree, saying they do not like their grass-fed meat laced with chemical preservatives mandated by the USDA. Numbering around 400, they have also signed contracts that state their awareness of the meat not being processed in USDA-inspected plants or treated with preservatives.
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and meanwhile in Australia they (the government) are destroying healthy beehives…by pouring petrol on them..after they tested free from any mites or pests……see this link:
Beekeeper Whistleblower Video Proof Aussie Govt MASS KILLING Bees: “The Govt Doesn’t Want Us To Eat”
Wow, this story hits home!! As one of the “proud 400,” I’ve been ordering from Amos Miller for over 15 years now.
In fact, I just placed an order from him this week, and it arrived yesterday. In the past, I’d always been able to order lots of meat, but this time the only thing you could order was water buffalo meat. 🙁 At least we can still order his raw dairy and other stuff.
Frankly, it’s a crime what they’re doing to him. Hopefully this evil won’t prevail forever, and I’ll be praying that God will overturn all the injustice.
hey Mister Sam i am curious if you have any idea what the story is here, how did the feds get put on to Mister Miller’s private distribution network?
i’m asking out of self-interest, i had thought the private network like this would be safe from these feds but apparently not. do we know what happened? i’d like to know if what happened here could be avoided in the future. thank you.
Great question, Rich. Well, he has a Web site, which anyone can access. Someone posted a link to it further down in the comments.
“Do we know what happened? i’d like to know if what happened here could be avoided in the future. thank you.”
Yes, I agree with you, and the answer here would be very instructive to learn. I hadn’t ordered from him for over a year, so I haven’t kept up closely with all the details. Wish I could tell you more.
Maybe you should organize a protest, Sam!
Hi, Pam. Well, I’ve signed some petitions and stuff, but since I haven’t been ordering that frequently of late, I hadn’t kept up to speed on everything going on with him. But yes, it’s important for informed folks like us to do everything in our power to fight evil government oppression like this.
You need to stand up and fight for him! Make a noise and protest.
Not just talk about how you can still get your raw dairy for goodness sake. The ‘I’ll pray for you’ sounds so hypocritical when you aren’t willing to also stand for him.
I hope by now everyone is waking up to the evil we are dealing with. We need everyone to group together and start growing our own food. Period.
I’m sure Bill Gates is behind a lot of this. Should leave Mr..Miller to his religeous beliefs. I would definately buy his product!
God Bless Miller,
We are under spiritual attacks from all directions, this government wants to control us, poison us, kill us. It will difficult to produce for yourself. Stand and fight!!