EXCEPTIONAL news! Judge Blocks COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Entire Navy; but it may be too late, too many military got the injection, it is catastrophic, we do not know long term impact, sadly! If I were them, I would turn to lawyers now, ask me for data & science, […]
Thou Knowest Not: Flaws in the World of Medicine Revealed
Consider a simple game. It involves two people, Marie and Jose, standing several feet apart. Jose faces Marie and imagines a large tic-tac-toe pattern two feet in front of her face. He reaches his hand into one of the imagined squares and snaps his fingers. Marie, eyes closed and […]
NYC’s Newest Unconstitutional Mandates – A Letter from an NYC Mom
Dear DailyClout, G.K. Chesterton once said “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” Let me introduce myself: I live in NYC, I am a mom of 2 children (17 & 9) and a registered […]
California’s Next Vital Votes
Vote to oppose these new bills in California. Bills can be found using BillCam (links below). Voting is happening in the next two weeks, so help defend constitutional and individual rights in California by opposing the following bills: SB-871 AB-2098 SB-866 SB-920 SB-1464 SB-1479 SB-1390 SB-1184 AB-1797 AB-1993
COVID Vaccine Failure Skyrockets To Over 6 Million!
In This Edition Experimental COVID Inoculations have failed to protect over 6 million ‘fully vaccinated’ Americans from infection, an increase of more than 3.5 million confirmed failures in only 1 month and with only 28 state health departments reporting. More than 138,000 ‘fully vaccinated’ Americans have been hospitalized due to COVID, […]
A Letter From France
Entry 3: March 21st, 2022 It’s amazing what a war can do. In the weeks after Russian forces entered Eastern Ukraine and pushed West, all mention of COVID has vanished here in our region of France. Most of the restrictions were lifted March 14th. Several days before it became […]
COVID Truths You Haven’t Heard
Are you struggling to communicate with friends, family and colleagues whose views about COVID and it’s treatment differ from yours? Many Americans have found themselves disconnected from loved ones because they seem to be unwilling to listen to facts about the pandemic that differ from those being promoted by government […]
[Research Paper] Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
Abstract Background and Aim: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) public health policy has focused on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus and its effects on human health while environmental factors have been largely ignored. In considering the epidemiological triad (agent-host-environment) applicable to all disease, we investigated a possible environmental […]
Press Pause on Vaccine Mandates – Webinar Excerpts
Excerpts recorded during December 1, 2021 webinar – Dr. Naomi Wolf discusses vaccine mandates, recent judicial decisions and the global attempt to strip of us our liberties. Help us continue to bring you the truth, please donate to DailyClout. COVID is the Pretext to Strip Us of Our Liberties, Globally […]
CITIZENS’ CORNER: [PAPER] “COVID-19 lockdowns, shelter-in-place policies, masks, school closures, and mask mandates have all failed in their role to curb transmission or reduce deaths.”
Covid Measures Have Failed.PDF COVID-19 lockdowns and school closures and mask mandates all failed and caused crushing harms to societies and vulnerable persons The predominant finding after examining XXXXX pieces of evidence is that: i) lockdowns and shelter-in-place polices were all failures and only caused immense harms to people, regardless […]
This Week In COVID: Over 37 Million Recoveries
by Dr. Henry Ealy | Nov 26, 2021 | Healthcare, Politics Listen to this article In This Edition Over 37 Million COVID Recoveries Nationwide Updated Case, Death, & Recovery Data By Age The WHO Just Signed A Contract For Global Propaganda THE POWER OF PROPAGANDA Happy Thanksgiving Week To You […]
Missouri Courts Have Just Ended ALL The State’s Covid Measures
Missouri citizens have a lot to be thankful for today. In a remarkable, strongly-worded opinion, the Cole County Circuit Court of Missouri just ended ALL the state’s Covid measures. In Shannon v. Missouri Department of Health, the Court found that the Department of Health’s regulations CANNOT “abolish representative government in […]