CITIZENS’ CORNER: [PAPER] “COVID-19 lockdowns, shelter-in-place policies, masks, school closures, and mask mandates have all failed in their role to curb transmission or reduce deaths.”

Covid Measures Have Failed.PDF
COVID-19 lockdowns and school closures and mask mandates all failed and caused
crushing harms to societies and vulnerable persons
The predominant finding after examining XXXXX pieces of evidence is that:
i) lockdowns and shelter-in-place polices were all failures and only caused immense harms
to people, regardless of which setting and location we examined
ii) children were never and are not drivers of infections or sources to the adult or school
iii) the school remains one of the safest placers for children (and teachers)
iv) children if infected got the virus from adults in the home
v) closing schools to stop transmission or deaths only caused harms to children and was a
complete failure given vanishingly low spread child to child or child to adult (children also
at low risk of transmission within the home)
vi) masks (blue surgical and white cloth/man-made face-coverings) are highly ineffective in
reducing transmission or deaths
vii) mask mandates were all failures globally and within the US and
viii) masks are potentially toxic and very harmful, especially to the child.
The views expressed here are my own as I present the body of evidence with the aim of informing
the reader. The readers can judge for themselves and come to their own conclusions. However, what
is presented below shows definitively, being underpinned by the ‘gestalt’ body of evidence
(comprised of comparative research studies and high-quality pieces of evidence and reporting judged
to be relevant to this analysis), that COVID-19 lockdowns, shelter-in-place policies, masks, school
closures, and mask mandates have all failed in their role to curb transmission or reduce deaths.
These restrictive polices were ineffective and devastating failures on societies and especially the
poorer and vulnerable within societies. These policies impacted and gutted rights and liberties and
continue to do so in the current Biden administration. The examination also showed definitively that
children are at a vanishingly low risk of acquiring the SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmitting,
whether within the school setting or in the home setting. This latter point also a function of the
tremendous potency and ‘beautiful gift’ of the innate immunity (innate antibodies and innate cellular
component e.g. natural killer cells (NK) as the first line of defense, distinct from the naturally
acquired or adaptive immunity) that children come with that is ready, non-specific, and primed to
handle a host of pathogen they encounter (by neutralizing the virus and preventing infection as well
as killing infected cells), including SARS-CoV-2 and its variants.
My view is simple. Never ever must we allow governments, never, no matter at what level, this kind
of emergency power again! Ever! They violated our rights and liberties. Never do we allow them to
lock societies down the way they did! Ever! With lockdown and school closure policies that have all
failed! All, for they can point to no evidence of success. No government in the US, in UK, in
Canada, in France, in Australia, the Caribbean, etc. Not one can claim success. When one examines
the totality of the evidence, it is clear that mask mandates and lockdowns and school closures have
had no discernible impact. They even cause harms as seen in this report by engineers out of
Stanford: “But in filtering those particles, the mask also makes it harder to breathe…that’s
significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. If you wear a mask
READ The full 44 page paper here