COVID Truths You Haven’t Heard

Are you struggling to communicate with friends, family and colleagues whose views about COVID and it’s treatment differ from yours?
Many Americans have found themselves disconnected from loved ones because they seem to be unwilling to listen to facts about the pandemic that differ from those being promoted by government officials and mainstream media.
Download your free copy of “COVID Truths You Haven’t Heard” here.
COVID Truths – Basic Questions
If you’ve come to understand that there are important facts that are not being shared with the public through official and/or popular media outlets, then you understand that there are many basic questions that are not being asked anymore. In fact those that do ask the right questions are immediately attacked and dismissed.
Is the vaccine the only way to protect ourselves from COVID? Are there other strategies that could work? How sound is the science behind the vaccine and these alternative treatments?
Are lockdowns really working? What are lockdowns costing us?
If there are other valid options, why haven’t we heard about them?
Can we trust the government scientists that are dictating our response to COVID? Can we believe the statistics being used to justify lockdowns and vaccine mandates?
Are there reputable doctors and scientists that have proposed, tested and proved alternative approaches?
COVID Truths – Crack in the Wall
All of us have gone through an “awakening” as a part of living through the pandemic. In early 2020, most of us might have been inclined to trust or mistrust elected officials based on their party but, we generally felt the scientists at the NIH, CDC, WHO and even in major pharmaceutical companies were basing their statements and decisions upon sound scientific analysis done with a goal of considering all alternatives in order to save the most lives.
And each of us became aware of a contradiction or a single “fact” that didn’t seem to add up. And that first crack in our belief system led to more questions and subsequent discovery of more contradictions and so on.
We’re prepared “COVID Truths You Haven’t Heard” as a tool for you to present those that you care about with some of the most striking facts so that they can serve as that first crack.
You may already have heard the information contained in “COVID Truths You Haven’t Heard” but, when discussing them with others, it’s difficult to reference the specific sources, statistics, etc. to back up your statements.
Our hope is that “COVID Truths You Haven’t Heard” will provide those you care about with clear specifics, with links to detailed references and studies, in a way that allows them to investigate for themselves and reach their own conclusions on their own time.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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Thanks for this information it’s wonderful to give this option to people I was one of the hundreds of thousands of people that believed treating Hep c with the poison Harvoni which has left me bedridden as the side effects were with held I had a healthy liver and this was suppose to make my life better I am now disabled and not one attorney will help any of us neuropathy brain issues rashes tinnitus hearing loss atrophy in my eyes sores mouth. Blood pressure and heart issues this is devastijg they don’t care who’s life they ruin it’s all about the money
Amen to truth-telling! Thank you to Naomi and team!!
Thanks for the info but I don’t think RFKjr is a doctor.
Many scientists we rely on to do safety studies, and to adiscover and develop cures, are not medical doctors. RFK jr is likely the leading plaintiff attorney in the world with regards to vaccine and drug safety. He has worked closely with experts, scientists, and doctors worldwide for decades keeping big pharma honest. He knows his stuff in this area. He could not just rely on medical doctors to make his cases over the years. In fact, he almost certainly knows more about this subject than 90%+ of the medical doctors practicing today. He deserves the upmost respect in this area. I can tell you the judges and juries he has pleaded his cases to, and pharma companies he has gone up against do.
My Primary doc is clueless about VAERS, vaccine caused injuries, side affects, the list goes on and on. Primary MD also thinks that the FluRona shots prevent transmission. Nothing cold be further from the truth. I steer clear of uninformed medical robots.