Enjoy my conversation with Wendy Silvers as we discuss the future of California and how we can unify to save our state. Watch Video Now Learn More About My Campaign for CA Governor!
Reinette Senum, Mayor of Nevada City, Steps Down to Step Up
Reinette Senum, Mayor of Nevada City resigns from city council in July of 2020. In this video, Senum explains the suffering and damages being experienced by local workers and businesses due to mandates enforced upon them by unelected officials. “I cannot serve The People, and a party simultaneously.” […]
Will California buyers be mandated to purchase the forthcoming oversupply of EV’s?
Will California buyers be mandated to purchase the forthcoming oversupply of EV’s? Until the current elite owners can demonstrate to the middle-income and those on fixed incomes that their EV’s are the family workhorse vehicle, the average citizen may not be receptive to be mandated by Newsom into an EV. […]
California Student Vaccine Mandate DEFEATED!
We have DEFEATED California’s student vaccine mandate bill SB 871! This bill would have mandated that all students receive the vaccine. The WarRoom/DailyClout volunteers found that Pfizer AND FDA KNEW about harms to kids’ hearts in MAY 2021 and the EUA for teens was issued JUNE 2021 and […]
Pfizer to Ask US Regulators to Authorize COVID Vaccine Booster for Kids in 5–11 Age Group
Pfizer and BioNTech plan on asking the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to grant emergency use authorization for a booster for their COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5- to 11-years-old, the companies announced on April 14. Read Full Article Now
Dr. Naomi Wolf Speaks at DEFEAT THE MANDATES Rally
Dr. Naomi Wolf speaks in front of thousands of attendees at the ‘Defeat The Mandates’ Rally held at Grand Park in Los Angeles, CA, on April 10th. Speaking to parents across the country, Dr. Wolf describes the chain of events in which Pfizer prescribed the vaccine to teenagers, KNOWING the […]
Defend Your Freedom – OPPOSE These 10 California Bills!
OPPOSE These 10 California Bills – Voting Happening in the Next 2 Weeks! SB 871 – Adds CV19 inj. to list of immunizations for public/private school, regardless to FDA approval, no PBE, very rare ME (see 2098) AB 2098 – Classifies anti-Covid medical opinion as “unprofessional conduct” subject to […]
Defeat the Mandates: Dr Wolf as Featured Speaker NEXT SUNDAY!
Dr. Wolf is a featured speaker NEXT SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH! Be sure to tune in for updates. Video by: Defeat The Mandates – An American Homecoming EVERGREEN MEDIA KIT/CONTENT TWITTER: Announcement of Rally: Los Angeles https://twitter.com/dchomecoming/status/1502021514568241166?s=20&t=diywRn7hO_bo5OIdc_JV-g Many Voices United Video – LA Announcement https://twitter.com/dchomecoming/status/1505948273831342080?s=20&t=wAEuUZLl5-cNIaONsqvuQQ We Need Donations: LA Announcement https://twitter.com/dchomecoming/status/1504533607964045363?s=20&t=diywRn7hO_bo5OIdc_JV-g […]
How California’s New Bill Will Destroy Medical Freedom
Dear DailyClout, Please alert your network of a sinister Covid bill now in the California State Assembly. We need all Patriots to call in to oppose AB 1993! It will be heard for a vote in the Labor & Employment Committee on Wednesday, 3/30/22. This will mandate all employed Californians […]
California Bill Updates
Voting for these California bills will take place in the next two weeks! Be sure to cast your vote and oppose. You can find them via BillCam or using the links below. SB871 AB2098 SB866 SB920 SB1464 SB1479 SB1390 SB1184 AB1797 […]
Newsom’s Energy Regulations Have Oil Tankers Emitting More Than Twice What All of California’s Vehicle Fleet Do
California Governor Newsom seems fixated on the fact that he “only breaths California air”, as his justification for increasing GHG emissions from “the maritime fleet” outside of the State. CFACT just posted my Op Ed at https://www.cfact.org/2022/03/27/newsoms-energy-regulations-have-oil-tankers-emitting-more-than-twice-what-all-of-californias-vehicle-fleet-do/ Newsom’s energy regulations have oil tankers emitting more than twice what all of California’s […]
California’s Next Vital Votes
Vote to oppose these new bills in California. Bills can be found using BillCam (links below). Voting is happening in the next two weeks, so help defend constitutional and individual rights in California by opposing the following bills: SB-871 AB-2098 SB-866 SB-920 SB-1464 SB-1479 SB-1390 SB-1184 AB-1797 AB-1993
Elk Grove CA Activists Prove Home Prices Drop Near 5G Antennae: See How They Fought Off 5G
House values and cell antennas One reason you would not want a Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antenna (CPMRA) in front of or near your home is that it will lower the value of your home. This is one of the reasons cities and towns should limit and regulate the permitting […]