Let the Apologies Begin

Danielle Smith was sworn in as Alberta’s new Premier on Oct 11, after having won the election for United Conservative Party Leadership the week prior. During her campaign, Ms. Smith was vocal about her opposition to Covid mandates and pledged to do away with them as premier.
During a press conference yesterday, Rebel News reporter Selene Galas asked newly elected Danielle Smith if she plans to abide by her campaign promise to apologize to those who were prosecuted for Covid restrictions as well as grant them amnesty. She asked when they can expect an apology, and Danielle Smith provided one on the spot:
“I can apologize right now. I’m deeply sorry for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to discrimination as a result of their vaccine status. I’m deeply sorry for any government employee who was fired from their job because of their vaccine status, and I welcome them back if they want to come back…”
May this be the first of many as we begin a road to recovery.
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