Six Ways to Fight for Justice Now
Six Ways to Fight for Justice Now Dear friend, Like you, we are disgusted by the racist killing of George Floyd. We are outraged at the contrast between white “reopen” protesters being treated with deference and Black protesters being tear-gassed. And we are driven to action shaken by the protests and uprisings …
Opinion: The Supreme Court Is About to Make Seismic Rulings on Reproductive Rights
Truthout https://truthout.org/articles/the-supreme-court-is-about-to-make-seismic-rulings-on-reproductive-rights/ The rights of women to terminate their pregnancies and to receive free contraceptives under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are on the chopping block. Those challenges to reproductive freedom are consistent with Trump’s agenda of pandering to the religious right while erasing Barack Obama’s achievements. The Supreme Court …
Lindsey Boylan Live: Take-No-Prisoners Challenger Seeks to Unseat NYC’s Jerrold Nadler
“Lindsey Boylan is running to unseat longtime incumbent and Democratic party stalwart Rep Jerrold Nadler in New York City’s Tenth Congressional District. This is an influential and heterogenous district, which encompasses the Upper West Side of Manhattan, the West Village, Wall Street itself, and lower income parts of Brooklyn. The needs of the …
Keep Cell Antennas Away From Our Elk Grove Homes
May 27, 2020 Newsletter Keep Cell Antennas Away From Our Elk Grove Homes Dear friends and allies,The hyperlinks in this newsletter may work better if you view it in your browser. Please feel free to send feedback on this newsletter and recommendations for making it better. And share it with your …
The American Entrepreneurs’ Survival During the Pandemic Period
The global disease called COVID-19 has already adversely affected the American business industry, including massive job losses, declining output, and enterprises’ continued closure. Nowadays, these factors have caused biting unemployment proliferation all over the United States and financial damage of the leading entrepreneurs. Having considerable savings, most business owners have …
Opinion: Don’t Expect to See Trump’s Tax Returns Before the Election
Don’t Expect to See Trump’s Tax Returns Before the Election By Marjorie Cohn Truthout https://truthout.org/articles/dont-expect-to-see-trumps-tax-returns-before-the-election/ Donald Trump claims that while he is president, his pre-presidency financial records can’t be subpoenaed and he can’t even be investigated for criminal conduct. The Supreme Court will decide by the end of June …
Curtis Ellis: The Threat of the CCP
“MUST-WATCH: American Jobs Alliance Founder and Former Trump Team Member Curtis Ellis on What He Calls Existential Threat Posed by China “In one of the most significant interviews DailyClout has ever done. Curtis Ellis, founder of the American Jobs Alliance, explains the current threat to the US and, …
How Can Direct Activism Survive the Coronavirus Era?
Politics & Public Policy How can direct activism survive the coronavirus era? How do we learn justice? What is the benefit of creating crisis? What are the takeaways for the next generation of activists? Reporting for DailyClout.io, bestselling author Naomi Wolf asks these crucial questions and more in a truly inspiring …
Bulletin Board: Vote Pro Choice
Friend — Welcome to Repro Roundup, a monthly reminder from #VOTEPROCHOICE about the status of reproductive freedom, as well as impactful ways to protect our bodily autonomy. Thank you for being here. Even during a global public health emergency, anti-choice politicians will stop at nothing to ban abortion, despite the fact that 80% of …
Bulletin Board: “Sen. Ron Wyden and Alyssa Milano invite you to a panel on HBO’s Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections”
Please join us for a Facebook Live panel discussion of the HBO documentary Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections, now available free to view on YouTube through May 25. Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections uncovers previously unreported weaknesses in today’s election technology, exposing just how fragile …
America has the Ventilator Blues
America has the Ventilator Blues Ventilator Blues America’s small businesses, our machinists, die-casters, plastic injection molders, electronics parts suppliers, and others are eager to get to work providing the medical equipment the nation needs but the companies that hold the patents and process patents for this equipment need to open …
Update Three: The War on Small Business Escalates Via the CARES Act
In the my past two blog posts[1] on the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), which was signed into law on Friday, March 27th, I focused largely on the Paycheck Protection Program (the “PPP” program) and the greatly expanded Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (the …
Hate Gun Violence, Live in CT? Calls to Action from CT Against Gun Violence to Pass “Red Flag” Gun Laws in Your State
Many communities are struggling with how to find a way to balance the Second Amendment rights claimed by gun owners, with the kinds of safeguards that many on both sides of the issue call “common sense gun control.” Though we rarely hear about policies that are not at the extremes …
Planet Coronavirus: Survival, Resistance and Regeneration
By Ronnie Cummins, author of Grassroots Rising: A Call to Action on Climate, Farming, Food, and a Green New Deal, and originally appeared on the Organic Consumers Association website. It has been adapted for the web. “There are times in history when sudden events—natural disasters, economic collapses, pandemics, wars, famines—change everything. They change politics, …
Developing These Skills of Resiliency Will Help Prepare You for Anything
There are times in life when we wake up and realize we no longer recognize the world around us. When life throws us such curveballs, resiliency is what determines if we sink or swim. But what is resiliency exactly, and how do we foster it? The following is an excerpt is from The …
How Overconsumption of Our Planet’s Finite Resources Worsens Pandemics
By Dennis Meadows, co-author of Limits to Growth:The 30-Year Update. It has been adapted for the web Forty-eight years ago I led an 18-month study at MIT on the causes and consequences of growth in population and material production on the planet earth through the year 2100. “If the present growth trends … …
Hate Gun Violence, Live in CT? Calls to Action from CT Against Gun Violence to Pass “Red Flag” Gun Laws in Your State
Call to Action Subscribe to CAGV emails at cagv.org/join-us Inquiries to info@cagv.org GD 4.8.20 rev2 How you can support Extreme Risk Protection Orders to prevent gun death by suicide and homicide Extreme Risk Protection Orders (EROP) offer a legal mechanism—with due process protections for gun owners’ Second Amendment rights—for people …
Is Hollywood Attacking the Fight for the Equal Rights Amendment?
Is Hollywood Attacking the Fight for the Equal Rights Amendment? by Kamala Lopez On January 27th of 2020 the Equal Rights Amendment that would guarantee equal justice under law and ban discrimination on the basis of sex became part of the U.S. Constitution. That’s only the 28th amendment ratified in our …
Why Did The CARES Act Tie Up Help For Desperate Small Businesses?
The $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), which was signed into law on Friday, March 27th, was unveiled with great fanfare by the Trump Administration. Through bi-partisan debate in both the Senate and the House, the bill had been bolstered to include additional funding for …