New Hampshire State Representative Blasek Discusses New Bills

In this video, New Hampshire State Representative Melissa Blasek discusses newly passed bills that are now on their way to the Senate. These bills can be found directly using the links below. If you have questions about the bills being passed in your state, head over to BillCam to search by issue, state, or representative. Be sure to contact the representative for your state using our new BillCam Representative Contact Functionality and encourage them to support bills like these for your state.
HB 1268 Limiting the authority for city council bylaws and ordinances. [HB-1268]
HB 1439 Relative to hospital visitation policies. [HB-1439]
HB 1455 Relative to state enforcement of federal vaccination mandates. [HB-1455]
HB 1606 Making the state vaccine registry an opt-in program. [HB-1606]
HB 1131 Relative to facial covering policies for schools. [HB-1131]