Pre-Order The Pfizer Papers The Pfizer Papers features new reports written by WarRoom/DailyClout research volunteers, which are based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature. The book shows in high relief that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed […]
Moderna Halts Epstein-Barr mRNA Vaccine Trial After Myocarditis Case
Moderna halted its Phase 1 trial of an mRNA vaccine to treat the Epstein-Barr virus after a single suspected case of myocarditis in an adolescent, raising questions about the heart-damaging technology used in all mRNA vaccines, according to a report by Alex Berenson. Investigators halted a Moderna trial of a […]
Report 91: FDA Based Moderna’s mRNA COVID Vaccine Approval on Test of a Completely Different Non-COVID Vaccine. Only Males Included in Test.
Moderna researchers did not test their COVID-19 mRNA drug, called SPIKEVAX, to find out where it would go in our bodies (biodistribution). Instead, their biodistribution study was for a completely different vaccine. Despite this substitution of one drug study for another, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved SPIKEVAX […]
Are Flu Shots Being Mixed with mRNA Vaccines?
Dear DailyClout, I am a bit late in sending you this, but in the event that you were not aware, there is a bit of subterfuge going on with a resurgence of peddling alleged COVID-19 vaccinations in at least parts of central Canada. Recently, a popular news radio station renowned […]
Victims of Propaganda
How Should We Consider Those Who Aired Hatred Towards Unvaccinated? I was greeted this morning by a Tweet reminding me of the pure vitriol, contempt, and threats of reprisal for the “unvaccinated” those who made the wise choice of declining COVID-19 vaccination. Remember the novel vaccines were originally Pfizer, Moderna, […]
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, a Neurological Disorder Described as “Parkinson’s on Steroids,” Following Injection of COVID-19 Gene Therapy Products Central Nervous System: Anatomic-Function Correlation The brain is the most complicated organ by far. Pathological processes affect different areas of the nervous system which produce diverse and profound effects, some of which are outlined in the neurological diseases presented below. We know from Dr. Arne Burkhardt’s foundational work […]
From Clinical Trials to Histopathological Analysis: Evidence Shows COVID-19 “Vaccine” Products in Widespread Distribution Have Detrimental Effects on the Heart.
1. Cardiovascular warning signs were present in clinical trial subjects at six months. The cohort that received Pfizer’s BNT162b2 had more cardiac deaths than the non-BNT162b2 group. 2. Pfizer document 3.5.6 indicates autoimmunity as the etiology (cause) of myopericarditis following BNT162b2 vaccination. 3. The government warning […]
Report 82: Pfizer Clinical Trial Subject Dies Soon After Receiving One Dose of Moderna COVID Vaccine. Forty-Two Days Post-Mortem, Pfizer Staff Seem Unaware He Is Dead.
A protocol keeps a clinical trial accurate and rigorous. The 361-page Case Report Form (CRF) for Pfizer clinical trial subject 10841470 shows that Pfizer allowed significant deviations from its protocol, such as not discontinuing the subject from the trial when he first took a different brand of COVID vaccine and […]
What an Economist Knows About Crony Vaccines–A 2023 Update
If you think regulators have your back, read on. The following essay (below the graphic) was originally published at the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER). It is a follow-up to my 2020 AIER essay Why Operation Warp Speed Could Be Deadly. First, a brief update: The relentless campaign to convince you you […]
Eris vaccine marketing hits Germany, complete with panic about a nonexistent August “Covid wave” ripped from British and American headlines
We will not be free of the virus until we are free of the vaccinators. The leftist taz newspaper on 17 August: New German Wave: The new Covid variant Eris has arrived in Germany. Concerns about a new wave are growing – but the country is not well prepared. The pandemic […]
Report 80: Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Injection Damaged Mammals’ Reproduction: 22% Fewer Pregnancies; Skeletal Malformations, Pain, Nursing Problems in Pups. FDA Knew, Yet Granted EUA.
Based on “A GLP intramuscular combined developmental and perinatal/postnatal reproductive toxicity study of mRNA-1273 in rats. FDA-CBER-2-22-4207-0015,” Moderna’s COVID-19 mRNA drug damaged the reproductive systems of female rats their estrous cycles (the recurring period of sexual receptivity and fertility in many female mammals) were disturbed, they were less likely to […]
COVID Vaccines Harm Newborns, Study Proves
Moderna Causes More Fetal Damage than Pfizer due to Higher Dose Last October, I posted two articles based on data accidentally provided by the CDC, showing proof of the dangers of Covid vaccines in pregnancy. A large CDC dataset showed that miscarriages and infant deaths are significantly more prevalent in pregnancies […]
Report 79: mRNA COVID Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis at One Year Post-Injection: Spike Protein, Inflammation Still Present in Heart Tissue.
In spite of widespread censorship, the truth is coming out that myocarditis arising after injection with mRNA COVID “vaccines” is not rare, temporary, or mild. Statement 1: Myocarditis after COVID-19 “vaccine” injection is rare. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) notice and its […]
Carol Taccetta, MD: “Boxed Warning,” the FDA’s Most Serious Warning, Is Absent from All COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheets
Introduction There are some adverse reactions in a product label that are so serious, and possibly even preventable, that special labeling is required to highlight this warning information: a “BOXED WARNING.” This boxed warning information, “critical for a prescriber to consider,” is commonly referred to as a […]
COVID Vaccines Harm Newborns, Study Proves
Originally published on Igor’s Newsletter Moderna Causes More Fetal Damage than Pfizer due to Higher Dose Last October, I posted two articles based on data accidentally provided by the CDC, showing proof of the dangers of Covid vaccines in pregnancy. A large CDC dataset showed that miscarriages and infant deaths are […]
More Horrors, This Time From Moderna – Defending the Republic Lawsuit Obtains Almost 15,000 Pages of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trial Documents
Defending the Republic on Its Historic Win to Require the FDA to Release Moderna’s Spikevax Clinical Trial Documentation “As a result of Defending the Republic’s (DTR) successful Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), we are excited to announce that we are releasing nearly […]
Carol Taccetta, MD, Requests References from CBER Director to Support CDC’s “[Building] Evidence” That Experimental Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines Are “Safe and Effective” During Pregnancy and “Not Associated with Fertility Problems”
Introduction The CDC recommends “COVID-19 vaccination” to “people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or those who might become pregnant in the future.” ( Pfizer/BioNTech’s study, “To Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of BNT162b2 Against COVID-19 in Healthy Pregnant Women 18 Years of Age and […]
Report 75: mRNA COVID “Vaccines” Have Created a New Class of Multi-Organ/System Disease: “CoVax Disease.” Children from Conception on Suffer Its Devastating Effects. – Histopathology Series – Part 4d
This report is Part 4d in a series. It follows Part 1, “Report 56: Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus;” Part 2, “Report 58: Part 2 – “Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus;” and Part 3, […]
The Amazing Amy Kelly on MSCS Media: Pfizer Reports, Upcoming Moderna Documents, and How Bad Is My Batch
The Amazing Amy Kelly joined MSCS Media to discuss the Pfizer reports, adverse events, the paperback book, fertility issues, neurological issues, autoimmune issues, and how the documents got released. She also shares the latest on the upcoming release of Moderna and Pfizer 12-15, Abstractor, and How Bad Is My Batch. […]
Report 70: Histopathology Series Part 4c – Autoimmunity: A Principal Pathological Mechanism of COVD-19 Gene Therapy Harm (CoVax Diseases) and a Central Flaw in the LNP/mRNA Platform
This report is Part 4c in a series. It follows Part 1, “Report 56: Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus;” Part 2, “Report 58: Part 2 – “Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus;” and Part 3, […]