How Your Medical Privacy is in Extreme Peril
Dear DailyClout, In conducting research as a DailyClout/WarRoom volunteer, it has come to my attention that medical facilities, as of April 1st, 2022, have a new ICD-10-CM code for the unvaccinated and are recording if a patient is not vaccinated, using code Z28.310. Additionally, there are sub-codes for recording …
How Medicine is Losing its Soul: A Letter to the Medical Profession
Dear Medical Professionals, What, on earth, has come over you? I am deeply disappointed in your apathy and utter disregard for human life. How can you continue to hide in the shadows – only to tremble and quake about speaking out? How is it that you are not standing …
US Taxpayer: Is Ukraine’s Border Crisis More Important Than Our Own?
Dear Friends, On Wednesday, I was honored to attend Ukrainian President Zelensky’s address to Congress. Following his powerful speech, it has become even more clear what President Biden needs to do: provide more assistance to Ukraine, increase sanctions on Russia, and – ultimately – hold Vladimir Putin accountable for this …
A Letter for Relief from Illegal Mask Mandates
AG Moody, et.al. submitted this lawsuit to the U.S. District Court of the Middle District, Florida, Tampa Division: http://myfloridalegal.com/webfiles.nsf/WF/GPEY-CCYHZH/$file/Mask+Complaint+as+Filed.pdf Dear DailyClout, The lawlessness this lawsuit documents..? Eye-watering, deeply concerning, and just more evidence of the criminality that has taken over the country in the name of “fighting a virus.” Defiance, …
Pfizer’s Adverse Events Disclosures: Public or Confidential?
Dear DailyClout, Attached is a document that I put together, which consists of portions of several official Pfizer documents, comparing Pfizer’s public disclosures of adverse events to its confidential disclosures to the FDA of adverse events. I took the confidential disclosures from the documents produced per court order and that …
Is the Pfizer Vaccine Linked to Blood Clots and Amputations?
Dear DailyClout, I received this from a friend of mine this morning. She doesn’t know that Deion Sanders is a client of another friend of mine. He confirmed it’s true and it happened a couple of months ago. He’s learning to cope and manage without his toes. Currently he’s the …
Pfizer Scandal: 3 Things You Should Be Doing Before the Evidence Disappears
Dear DailyClout, I’d like to suggest that BEFORE it disappears, everyone following you do the following: Download and retain copies of notices from all MDs and Hospitals, ASCs, Urgent Care, any/all other Med facilities or providers that either URGED you to take a vaccine, offered it, or said they’d refuse …
NYC’s Newest Unconstitutional Mandates – A Letter from an NYC Mom
The Assembly State of New York Albany Letter GOP Signatures Dear DailyClout, G.K. Chesterton once said “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” Let me introduce myself: I live in NYC, I am a …
A Letter From France
Entry 3: March 21st, 2022 It’s amazing what a war can do. In the weeks after Russian forces entered Eastern Ukraine and pushed West, all mention of COVID has vanished here in our region of France. Most of the restrictions were lifted March 14th. Several days before it became …
Letter to DailyClout: Minnesota Business Owner Prosecuted for Medical Mask Exemption
Dear Dr. Wolf, My name is Pastor/Dr. John F. Montalvo, Jr. and I recently saw your presentation on the Health Freedom Summit 2022. Just to give you a quick review of my background, I am an Biblical-based pastor as well as a naturopathic/homeopathic doctor. I tried to warn as …
Letter to DailyClout: Heartfelt Cry for Help from Long Island
Dear Naomi, My name is Sarah Adams. I am a retired Critical Care Nurse and reluctant Parent activist. I live in New York State, which has increasingly turned into a dystopian nightmare. From day one of Covid, I intuitively understood the Government’s reaction was intentionally destructive and irrational. I read …
Letter to DailyClout: Dangerous Illinois Bills Proposed: Vaccine Registry and Forcible Quarantine!
Dear DailyClout, I am not a political activist in any way. However, as a mother, a daughter, and a physician assistant for 33 years, I speak from kindness and wisdom. I have also had the honor to educate and treat many outpatients with Covid as well. HB4244 was introduced to …
DEAR DR NAOMI WOLF: “More Damage Than We Know — A Mother’s Testimony of Collateral Damage”
Dear Dr. Wolf, Please see the note below from ACPS in Virginia. My child attends school there and has been harmed by these horrible policies. Sadly, X’s father, from whom I am divorced, is filled with fear, and has indoctrinated X with such fear to the extent that X is …
CITIZENS’ CORNER: Letter From The Audience- VAERS Analysis
Hi! Are you guys aware of the work Jessica Rose is doing analyzing the VAERS data? Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher with a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master’s degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD in Computational Biology from …