“FIVE FREEDOMS”: DailyClout’s Five Freedoms Campaign Has Helped NH State Legislators WIN Reform of Emergency Law

DailyClout’s Five Freedoms campaign has helped NH state legislators WIN reform of emergency law now, restriction on emergency law in the future, and freedom to worship. Rep Tom Baxter helped lead the charge.
Now a ‘vaccine passport ban’ bill is being presented with Five Freedoms help and support, and this statement from the NH Governor, about lifting mask mandates soon, was made today.
Please send in to Naomi@dailyclout.Io your name and zip code if you wish to be added to local efforts lists to pass Five Freedoms legislation:
No vaccine passports
No mask mandates
No emergency law
Freedom to assemble, worship, engage in commerce and civic action, unrestricted
Open schools immediately
Congratulations to the people of New Hampshire! ‘Live Free or Die’.
New Hampshire governor says mask mandate will be lifted ‘wicked soon’ – Read/Watch HERE
Very good news. I’d like to see New York take note.
Let’s mirror what has started in NH in MA. I will supper and help in any way I can!
These five issues have Already been given to us by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Passing more laws to protect what we already have seems nothing more than a redundant exercise or beating the proverbial dead horse.Of course the Constitution and the Bill of Rights has not stop them from taking our rights. This issue is larger than the Democrats and Republicans both of which are so corrupt and self-indulgent in some of the most awful and evil ways that the only way to teach these “servants of the people” is to send them to jail.
There’s no information about any activity going on to oppose vaccination passports in ‘blue’ state Michigan. Am I ‘the first’? Am I the only one??? Does the Daily Clout have any contact information to get a Five Freedoms campaign going in Michigan? I’d hate to be ‘reinventing the wheel’ or getting into any ‘turf wars’ with existing groups working towards the same ends. If I am the ‘only one’ then someone needs to give me a crash course on what to do. Please.
Naomi, you are amazing! Keep it up! Please come back to Bannon’s WarRoom. I’ve never seen him just listen without interrupting before.