Train of Thought
“Why RFK, Jr. Makes Me Cry”
Originally published on the author’s Substack Go ahead, laugh. I’m not the only one. 2024 We all heard it was coming, and two days ago, it happened: RFK Jr. suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Trump. It’s an extraordinary speech. As Chris Bray said, “the man brought straight fire.” If you …
“Inequality As a Left-Wing Principle”
Editor’s Note: The group quota regime operates on an understanding of justice that is alien to the American political tradition. This is what makes the present political conflict a cold civil war: two competing conceptions of justice cannot coexist in a single nation. The woke idea of justice, the foundation of …
“Pirates, Dictators, and Longing for Security”
Originally published on the author’s Substack Why do people root for the rebel resistance in movies but crave paternalistic authority in real life? Whenever I’m in the Mediterranean I’m reminded of the rich lore of piracy. In the popular imagination, piracy is associated with the Golden Age of Piracy in …
“Saving Our Democracy”
Originally published on the author’s Substack “Being insane is the new normal.” — Aimee Terese on “X” However it happened this week, “Joe Biden” passed the blowtorch to a new generation and got himself gone from the political battlefield. Delegates to the coming Democratic National Convention (August 19) were duly …
“Beyond Thought and Reason: The Power of Homeopathy”
Breath If I had the opportunity to debate Yuval Noah Harari, the Israeli philosopher who maintains that humans will soon upgrade in a merger with AI, I would say that Artificial Intelligence can never supersede a natural life-form, no matter how ‘intelligent’ he perceives such an amalgamation can be. I …