“Beyond Thought and Reason: The Power of Homeopathy”

If I had the opportunity to debate Yuval Noah Harari, the Israeli philosopher who maintains that humans will soon upgrade in a merger with AI, I would say that Artificial Intelligence can never supersede a natural life-form, no matter how ‘intelligent’ he perceives such an amalgamation can be. I would argue that it would move us further away from the miracles we already are and that life’s real intelligence is beyond anything intellectual and defined by the ability to breathe.
Breathing for humans not only equals life but if given power over thought, as in meditation, will bring on the ability to connect to knowledge that cannot be accessed if mind is dominant. The learned discipline of meditation, practised regularly, can shift the balance of power within us, and allow instinctive knowledge to come through loud and clear.
For example, a while back, I was meeting my daughter in town for a concert. That afternoon I was at my desk and had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to leave, even though, using rational thought, it was much too early to do so. I decided to listen to the urge and discovered upon my arrival, and to my relief, that all later trains from my home station had been cancelled until further notice, due to an accident on the tracks.Â
The ability of man to elevate intellectual brainpower over lowly breath is a double edged sword, as we can see by the level of complicated destruction that has been masterminded all over the planet of late. That level of brainpower blocks out important information concerned with survival.Â
In late 2004, I was in Sri Lanka when the tsunami struck in the Indian Ocean. Luckily, myself and my family were up in the hills in Kandy at the time. However, on our way home, we met survivors who told us that many hours prior to the disaster, all the wild animals fled in the opposite direction. Whether the animal instinct to run from unseen danger was due to ancestral memory or a feeling in the change of atmosphere is unknown, but the point is; they knew and the intellectual humans didn’t.
As an Iyengar yoga student, I have been taught for many years that whilst doing Asanas I should concentrate on the minutiae in each pose. For example, in this video, B.K.S Iyengar takes ten minutes to teach his pupils the intricacies of Tadasana, a basic standing pose. Such intricacies, especially in more advanced postures, can be accomplished by focusing on breathing whilst having the intention to carry out the complex and difficult instructions. I have been doing Iyengar yoga every day for 37 years, but as a fully fledged member of the worldly world, it is only recently that I have allowed myself to follow that path to the nth degree. What I have discovered is that when by-passing my mind, which wants to force my body into an end result, and instead allowing my breath to dominate, my body relaxes, gains a refined intelligence, and instinctively moves with ease towards the desired goal.
So much of our planet is water. Water is predominant in every living thing. I think it’s significant that when Moses led the Israelites from slavery to freedom, the red sea parted to let them through.Â
In the 1990s and early 2000s I had a small consulting room in a serviced office block and never advertised. No one was more surprised than me when my practice grew exponentially solely by word of mouth. I am a homeopath. I work with substances – animal, mineral, plant, and manmade – that have been diluted in water, well beyond Avagadro’s number. And if I get the prescription right, self-healing is initiated, not just for humans but I have prescribed for animals and plants successfully too. A homeopathic remedy initiates a self-healing reaction when a highly dilute substance matches the symptom picture that a substance is known to cause. For example, Apis mellifica is made from the honey bee. If a patient presents with a hot, rosy stinging, cellulitis where the skin pits, a dose of Apis mellifica will direct the inherent immune system towards cure.
There are many who vociferously state that homeopathic medicine cannot possibly work, but as long ago as 1854, during the London cholera epidemic, the Homeopathic Hospital saved more lives than the nearby Middlesex Hospital.
In the 1980s, the memory of water was proved through repeated experiments by the previously celebrated doctor and scientist Jacques Beneviste. Unfortunately, the scientific and medical establishment didn’t like or accept his findings. They closed down his laboratory and made his life hell. Jacques Beneviste never did manage to recoup his professional standing and reputation. He died during heart surgery in the early 2000’s at age sixty-nine.
The Nobel Prize winning scientist Luc Montagnier also proved that water has a memory and in 2014 he made a documentary to showcase his findings. His experiments were unsurprisingly not accepted by the scientific establishment. Montagnier was also vocal during the Covid era, stating that Covid19 was engineered in a lab and denouncing the safety and efficacy of the CV19 injections. He died on February 8th 2022.
Homeopathy aside, there are other amazing discoveries about water. Dr Masaru Emote, the Japanese scientist, photographs images contained in water after exposing them to music and human emotions. The water crystallisations in his pictures demonstrate that water is affected visibly by a positive or negative stimulus. Dr Zach Bush and others have endorsed Emote’s work.
Veda Austin, a New Zealander and lay scientist, has developed a method of communicating with water. She places a petri dish of water on top of a written word or image then freezes it to find related images in the iced crystals. Using her methodology, I’ve tried these experiments myself. You can see a couple of the results below. For the first image, I put a picture of Kate Bush under a petri dish of water for around 10 seconds before freezing. In the first image below you can see a K and T which is similar to Kate’s logo. Next, I wrote ‘love’ on a piece of paper and again put it under a petri dish of water for about 10 seconds before freezing; a feather, a leaf, a heart and a triangle can be seen in the second image below.Â
Water has been around for as long as the planet. It doesn’t breathe and it doesn’t die, but it does seem to have some kind of consciousness and is able to inform, heal and communicate.Â
Breath and Water
We live in a time of so much automation and complexity. A time when the achievements of mankind have created an overreach towards materialism, division, quick-fixes, artificiality, and ill health in body, mind and soul. Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost touch with the simple, amazing and natural things that connect us to the planet, to each other and to ourselves.Â
Around thirty years ago, the actress Goldie Hawn understood this and started a programme called Mind-up, where children are taught in schools how to take mind breaks and although still a fringe effort, the programme is incredibly successful at rewarding children with an emotional equilibrium. I would argue that the path to health and fulfilment lies in children (and adults) not only learning to take mind breaks but also learning how to work with breath and water in order to discover the humble, life enhancing wonders, they can offer us.
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