There follows a joint open letter from Doctors for Patients U.K., HART (Health Advisory and Recovery Team) and the U.K. Medical Freedom Alliance, co-signed by 99 doctors and medical professionals, to Helen Stephenson, the CEO of the Charity Commission, concerning allegations that the British Heart Foundation (BHF) is involved in […]
The Mindful Activist: Do We Still Have Medical Freedom?
Mindfulness Author and Host of DailyClout Column The Mindful Activist, Ora Nadrich, interviews Dr. Jeffrey Barke about corruption behind the scenes of Big Pharma, propaganda marketing, and the frightening possibilities for what lies ahead for doctors and patients everywhere. Assembly Bill AB 2098 Dr. Jeffrey Barke is […]
Jimmy Dore Takes the Gloves off for Bill Gates: “He’s a Nerd … and a Megalomaniac!”
“He’s not a doctor; he’s not a virologist. He’s not even a college graduate.” The world’s richest college dropout and Co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, has a peculiar record of making lucrative investments. The timing of these moves is repeatedly so impeccable that people often ask, “How did he know?” […]
Bill Gates secured hundreds of millions in profits from mRNA stock sales before suddenly changing tune on vaccine technology
Once an mRNA evangelist, Gates now dismisses the technology as inferior, after banking a 15x return on investment. Bill Gates secured hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from his foundation’s impeccably timed investment in BioNTech — the Pfizer partner for its mRNA Covid shots — before dramatically reversing course […]
Judicial Watch Sues Health and Human Services for Surgeon General Office Contact with Big Tech about COVID Vaccines
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for communications and records of the Surgeon General’s Communications Director’s contact with social media companies regarding COVID-19 vaccines (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human […]
CHD Roundtable: Death, Destruction + A Legal Win
On this CHD.TV program, viewers hear from various leading experts in their fields — discussing topics related to science, medicine, law, media and more. Panelists take turns asking and answering questions, participating in an uncensored conversation on relevant topics. These injections have been ‘designed to harm and injure people and render them […]
“The Definition of ‘Misinformation’ in this Law is Not Clear- It’s NONSENSE!”
Dr. Azadeh Khatibi is a board-certified physician in Los Angelos who, along with a small group of brave doctors, managed to gain a huge step toward victory in the fight for medical freedom. AB 2098- A Bill that Destroys Trust Back in February 2022, a bill was introduced in California […]
Unreasonable Search and Seizure: Covid-19 Testing Mandates Violate the Constitution (Part 2)
This is Part 2 of Unreasonable Search and Seizure: Covid-19 Testing Mandates Violate the Constitution. In Part 1, we covered how 26 workers filed a lawsuit against the New Jersey Government for subjecting only unvaccinated workers to Covid-19 testing, on the basis of violating the First amendment, the Fourth amendment, […]
The Dictionary Definition of “Anti-Vaxxer” Has Broadened
Soon there will be nobody left that does not meet the dictionary definition of “anti-vaxxer” By AARON SIRI The common response to any criticism of a vaccine or a vaccine mandate is to yell, “anti-vaxxer,” rather than address the substance of the criticism. Here is a recent tweet reflecting this […]
Pilots are dying at Southwest Airlines at over 6X the normal rate after the COVID vaccines rolled out
I thought the vaccines were supposed to reduce death not increase it! I just asked the FAA for their comment on this. Here’s what I wrote: If they respond, I’ll post their response here. The FAA wants a war, so I’m going to give them one I’m not going to […]
CDC Responds to ICAN’s Demand That the Agency Change Its Misleading COVID Indicators
In September, ICAN wrote a letter to the CDC detailing the multitude of problems with its method of tracking community level COVID data. The CDC’s shamefully deficient response shows that it prefers to maintain a system of inaccurate data reporting. The CDC is apparently fine with counting someone who comes to […]
Dr. Naomi Wolf’s WarRoom/Daily Clout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports eBook; Find it on AMAZON (Kindle); To Date, No One Has Challenged the Accuracy of What They Report; Listen to Bannon
Pfizer Reports book contains 50 reports written by the highly-credentialed War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project volunteers between March and December 2022. SOURCE: The Pfizer Reports book contains 50 reports written by the highly-credentialed War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project volunteers between March and December 2022. The reports are […]
V-Safe Part 5: The Fight to Get the V-Safe Data!
Fifth part of an incredible story that shows just how broken our public “health” apparatus is: very, very broken. What did it take to get the data? We will discuss what the v-safe data shows in the next part of this v-safe Substack series, and when we do, it may […]
POLL: Majority Want Dr. Fauci Investigated by Congress
Fauci’s Inconsistent Testimony About His COVID Research and Handling of Pandemic Top Focus for Investigations (Austin, TX—January 23, 2023) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were […]
Inflamed Lymph Nodes, Bright Spots in Mammogram Following MRNA Vaccine
Dear DailyClout, I am a 62 year-old female. I went in for a routine bone density test and a mammogram today and answered all the pre-screen questions. After the mammogram, I had a question — just a gut feeling. “Why did you ask me if I had been vaccinated and […]
“Freaks: Coming out as Unvaxxed” – Film Review
“Freaks: Coming out as Unvaxxed” Claire Dooley of DailyClout created an incredible film that highlights the similarities between the discrimination of gay people throughout the years and the discrimination against unvaccinated people that persists today. The film features Irene and Riley, a couple from New Jersey who had to “come […]
Today’s Legislative Call to Action: Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination Status for Foreign Travelers
HB 185: To terminate the requirement for proof of COVID 19 vaccination for foreign travelers US Congress 118th Congress About HB 185 To terminate the requirement imposed by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for proof of COVID-19 vaccination for foreign travelers, and for other […]
‘Smoking Gun’ Disability Data Reveals Alarming Health Crisis of the Employed
“If you’re wondering why there are ‘help wanted’ signs, this is it.” Three million more unfortunate souls are now among the U.S. disabled population than two years ago. What were 29.85 million people within this cohort in January 2021 soared to 32.87 million in December 2022. What’s interesting is that […]
A Story We Need: Why “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” is the Perfect Antidote to Our Times
The magnificent Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 1939 I re-watched Frank Capra’s Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, after god knows how many decades, and within the first 30 minutes I knew I’d be writing about it. It’s timely and trenchant, and just what we need. It was certainly […]
MRNA Vaccine is a “Shotgun Blast” to Brain and Reproductive Organs
Dr. Robert Chandler describes the in-depth dangers occurring in the female reproductive systems, dysregulation of the genome, hormonal imbalance, and other alarming effects of the menstrual cycle following MRNA vaccination. Plus, jaw-dropping global crash in live births, rises in miscarriage rates, and fertility concerns. Watch Now