V-Safe Part 5: The Fight to Get the V-Safe Data!

Fifth part of an incredible story that shows just how broken our public “health” apparatus is: very, very broken.
What did it take to get the data?
We will discuss what the v-safe data shows in the next part of this v-safe Substack series, and when we do, it may explain why CDC fought for so long to keep it hidden. But let’s quickly walk through the circus that CDC put on to avoid having this data go public. This will be a bit of a simplified version of the legal hoops that have been jumped through over the past year and a half, lest you all hit unsubscribe.
So, it all begins with a simple request to our federal health agency made a long time ago. On behalf of ICAN, in June 2021, we sent the following request to CDC asking for all de-identified data submitted to v-safe since January 1, 2020:
Simple enough.
The term “de-identified” means data that does not include personally identifying information. The reason we limited the request to “de-identified” data is because CDC is not allowed to release data that is not de-identified, or data that contains personally identifying information. Hence, had we instead asked for all the v-safe data, CDC would have objected to producing it on the grounds it contains personally identifying information. Thus, the more limited request.
We also understood that CDC had already de-identified the v-safe data because their v-safe protocol reflected that they had already provided Oracle, a private company, access to de-identified v-safe data.
It was for these two reasons that, on behalf of ICAN, we requested “all de-identified data submitted to v-safe since January 1, 2020.” And what did we get in return? The incredible response that, “a search of [CDC’s] records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request.” Unbelievable.
And so we appealed that response and pointed out that CDC had already admitted in writing that it had provided Oracle access to deidentified v-safe data. Therefore, responsive documents existed.
To make clear that CDC cannot hide from this fact and to point out the absurdity of its response to our first request, we, on behalf of ICAN, submitted another request to CDC asking for “all data submitted to v-safe and subsequently deidentified by CDC and/or Oracle from January 1, 2020 forward.”
With the appeal of the initial request, the additional request, and pointing out their admission regarding Oracle, we figured that CDC’s game had come to an end and it would produce the data. But not so. CDC’s claim that it did not have any responsive documents, incredibly, persisted. So, on behalf of ICAN, we sued CDC in federal court.
Read More on Aaron Siri’s Substack Page
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