The Dictionary Definition of “Anti-Vaxxer” Has Broadened

Soon there will be nobody left that does not meet the dictionary definition of “anti-vaxxer”
The common response to any criticism of a vaccine or a vaccine mandate is to yell, “anti-vaxxer,” rather than address the substance of the criticism. Here is a recent tweet reflecting this reality:
Do not ever again call those of us Vaccine Injured Anti-vaxxer. We took the shot!
We were promised it would help others and was the right thing to do for the elderly and the community.
Sadly, we were rewarded with injury or death for our service.
— Silenced 🐴🐭 Ms. Information (@C19VaxInjured) January 23, 2023
Even those opposed to receiving an endless stream of COVID-19 boosters based on cogent reasoning are often met with the retort of “anti-vaxxer.” This reality is now reflected in the updated definition of “anti-vaxxer” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
The old definition included “a person who opposes the use of vaccines or regulations mandating vaccination”:
The new definition is “a person who opposes the use of some or all vaccines, regulations mandating vaccination, or usually both”:
So now to be an “anti-vaxxer,” per the dictionary, one need only oppose receiving some vaccines. For example, annual ever-changing flu shots or numerous and changing COVID-19 vaccine boosters.
Consider that, despite spending billions in taxpayer dollars promoting flu shots and COVID-19 booster shots, polling reflects a majority of Americans do not plan to get either of these shots and hence are dictionary definition “anti-vaxxers.”
Read More on Aaron Siri’s Substack
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Well, glad that we anti-vaxxers are the majority now! 😉
As for Merriam Webster, it’s interesting how they don’t have a corresponding definition for “pro-vaxxer.” Anyway, I encourage all thinking people to boycott that disgusting “dictionary.” 😛
Does anyone else notice how language is tool manipulated by our world against those who will not accept tyranny?