A brand-new study published by the Brownstowne Institute makes it clear: President Donald Trump was right about the early treatment of COVID with Hydroxychloroquine: Early in the pandemic, President Donald Trump and White House senior official Peter Navarro arranged the donation of 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to America’s strategic drug stockpile […]
“Bobby Kennedy Jr. Is SMASHING Vaccine & COVID Narratives All Over Mainstream Media!!”
Last week was a GREAT week for pushing a COVID Reckoning into the spotlight! Please check out my latest anti-aging obsession!!WATCH NOW ———->https://bhmd1.com/Joy One of my immutable rules of politics in the 21st century is that the process is WAY more important than the outcome of elections. Especially given the […]
Letter from A Reader
To the Editors, In light of all that is going on this week with the Democratic National Convention and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s announcement that he is supporting President Trump, I wanted to make sure that this news story (run by CBS News on 8/23) didn’t fall through the cracks. […]
“The Amateur Who Unraveled Wuhan”
Originally published on Brownstone Institute Matthew Tye, an independent documentarian with a chronicled decade of living in (and motorcycling throughout) China, developed a profound understanding of its culture and language. In March 2020, Tye emerged as a singular figure in the scrutiny of the origins of the Covid-19 virus, using […]
“Dr. McCullough on The Election Pandemic Playbook: What You Need to Know”
Dr. Peter McCullough, Chief Scientific Officer for The Wellness Company, is sounding the alarm on an election year pandemic playbook: “A presidential election is looming and – surprise, surprise – COVID-19 is back in the news! “The Omicron variants, KP.3 and KP.3.1.1 (much more intimidating than FLiRT) are suddenly dominating […]
Dr. McCullough: What You Need to Know about Hydroxychloroquine
Hydroxychloroquine became a hot topic during the COVID-19 pandemic, with Dr. Peter McCullough emerging as one of its strongest supporters. After using the drug himself during his battle with COVID-19, Dr. McCullough firmly believes it played a key role in his recovery. “Hydroxychloroquine far and away made the biggest difference,” […]
“New Zealand’s Pandemic Plan to Legalise Vaccination by Force”
The Ministry of Health’s Pandemic Plan Last month, New Zealand’s Ministry of Health published an interim update to its Pandemic Plan. The Pandemic Plan they used during the Covid pandemic was published in 2017, so if you thought things were draconian last time, just you wait until the next one. The Ministry […]
Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna Have Lost a Combined Market Capitalization of $418,887,461,200
Shockingly, the combined loss in market capitalization since late 2021 of Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech now exceeds the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Malaysia, South Africa, Denmark, the Philippines, Hong Song SAR, Columbia, Chile, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Kuwait, Puerto Rico, Luxembourg, and most other countries. That […]
Report 101: Gain-of-Function Research and Origin of SARS-CoV-2, the Virus That Causes COVID-19
After years of half-truths and outright falsehoods, facts are emerging about SARS-CoV-2’s origins. The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) purged important genome sequence information from its servers and was not forthcoming regarding their research, so complete details will never be known. Enough can be pieced together for objective molecular geneticists […]
Does the New Study on Face Masks Show They Prevent Respiratory Illnesses?
Whether to wear a face mask to prevent respiratory illnesses has been one of the most divisive debates during the pandemic. After a Cochrane review in 2023 found that face masks made “little or no difference” to the spread of respiratory viruses, the issue became highly politicised. Tom Jefferson, lead author of […]
“BREAKING Publication–Are COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy as Safe and Effective as the U.S. Government, Medical Organizations, and Pharmaceutical Industry Claim?”
Thorp and Colleagues in First of Three Manuscripts I am pleased to share this manuscript as the first in a three part series exposing the harms of COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women, babies in the womb, and infants. The project was led by obstetrician/gynecologists Drs. James Thorp, Dr. Daniel McDyer, and […]
“BREAKING–Moderna Receives U.S. FDA Approval for mRNA RSV Vaccine mRESVIA(R)”
Approval of Synthetic mRNA Product for Public Use with No Genotoxicity, Oncogenicity, or Long-Term Safety Studies By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Many have approached me at large events and have expressed concerns that the vaccine manufacturers where going to use mRNA on a non-emergency basis to make new and […]
Report 99: How the CDC Hides COVID Vaccine Deaths and Injuries
Albert Benavides has diligently documented techniques used by public health agencies to hide data in their databases. He has exposed the techniques of throttling, time displacement, and removal of all or parts of reports. Mr. Benavides posts frequently on Substack. This report will examine two cases drawn from Vaccine Adverse […]
“PhotoBioModulation: Overview of the Pubmed Literature on Low Level Light Therapy”
“Low-level light therapy (LLLT), also known as photo biomodulation (PBM), is a type of optical therapy that uses red or near-infrared lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for medical treatment. The laser wavelengths involved in PBM typically range between 600-700 nm and 780-1100 nm, with power densities ranging between 5 mW/cm2 and 5 […]
Detection of Positive Vaccine Bias in Reports of Serious Adverse Events
Originally published on the author’s Substack. Look for Unsupported Statements Plugging the COVID-19 Vaccines while Delivering Bad News on Side Effects The clinical reality of COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis, blood clots, and other medical disasters seems much larger than available reports in the medical literature. Because the vast majority of academic […]
“NC Court Rules Federal PREP Act Protects Forced Vaccination Without Parental Consent”
A North Carolina Court of Appeals found that a clinic, where personnel gave a 14-year-old boy a COVID-19 shot without his consent or parental consent, was protected by the PREP Act By Carolyn Hendler, JD April 8, 2024 A North Carolina Court of Appeals found that a clinic, where personnel […]
Canadian Gov’t Database Reveals Catastrophic Reproductive Damage to Men and Women Post-mRNA Vaccine Rollout
Overview We are providing an even more granular analysis of years 2015 through 2022, using data from Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). This OHIP dataset includes about six million unique patients. Importantly, it contains four years of ‘baseline’ data from before COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccines appeared in Canada, as well […]
Exclusive: Canadian Gov’t Database Reveals Catastrophic Reproductive Damage to Men and Women
Overview An analysis of January 2015 through December 2022 data extracts from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) database exposes a myriad of reproduction-related harms to Ontarians following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in Canada. This dataset includes about six million unique patients. Importantly, it contains four years of ‘baseline’ […]
“Maine State Representative Sampson Presents on the WHO Agenda, V-Safe Data, and Excess Deaths in Maine”
“In Maine, during 2020 the increase in deaths was 6.3% in 2021 it jumped to 17.7%. I requested the legislature convene a study group to investigate this dramatic increase in deaths for 25-64-year-olds in Maine. The Joint Resolution was rejected along party lines. The Democrats could not reject this order […]
Impact of COVID-19 State of Emergency on Female Reproduction
Overview In partnership with Kaleidoscope Strategic, DailyClout presents a unique and compelling analysis of medical health data. The analysis of about six million unique patients’ data highlights the negative reproduction impacts — including serious menstrual harms and female and male fertility issues — of Canada’s COVID-19 state of emergency and rollout […]