Roe v Wade: Why Can’t We Have Important Conversations?

In this video, I discuss how social media has become a political battleground rather than a place to share opinions, interact, and share moments of your life with friends virtually. Since sharing my thoughts on the Roe v. Wade overturn on my personal social media channel, many of my followers have either unfollowed or blocked me. So why is it that everyone is encouraged to share what they think? Unless it doesn’t follow the narrative. Doesn’t sound like “love and tolerance” to me.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
This DailyClout article is the writer’s opinion.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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Love your thinking on this talking-it-over and learning process.
Thanks so much for the support! 🙂
The question and the conversation here really resonates with me. I am a person who simply wants us to be able to talk about the fact that a) abortion is disproportionately terminating black fetuses–this is a fact that is not up for dispute, but that the pro-choice lobby will not admit nor discuss; and I want to be able to talk about that abortion preempts a lot of economic activity because raising children requires spending money. Whenever I try to talk about these two points, progressive friends and strangers alike go bonkers. They get vicious. Yet it is a fact that black Americans are 13% of the US population but black fetuses are 33% of all abortions. This is evidence that abortion is UNfavorable to black women, yet the pro choice left and the prochoice public continually claim that not being able to abort hurts “black and minority women the most.” This is a perversion of the facts. We absolutely must be able to discuss issues as they really are, not perverting facts and trends to support our position.. There is more but I will stop there., Thank you Kate for this very important and brave piece.
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with this topic. It is certainly important! It can absolutely be a struggle to share your thoughts while being surrounded by people unwilling to listen. And you’re absolutely right about the disproportionate amount of abortions based on race. What so many people forget is that the founder of Planned Parenthood quite literally admitted to her goal of wiping out black people through abortion. More videos on this to come so stay tuned and keep fighting!