Here’s Why Roe Overturn is “Devastating” for Women
Wendy Murphy, a Boston attorney and impact litigator specializing in constitutional and civil rights, discusses the “devastating” decision of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. From women’s history of inequality to what the decision might mean for pregnant women moving forward.
Are women even in the Constitution? Don’t miss this legal take on the overturn of Roe!
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Ms Murphy,
Roe v. Wade was a power grab forcing the States to license abortionists AGAINST the will of the people. All SCOTUS has done is to return the decision to legalize or prohibit abortion and to regulate it to the people through their own STATES. We will litigate it in each state capitol as our founding fathers intended. I will see you there. I find you video content to be dishonest both medically and legally. Stick to the facts and spare us the histrionics. Women control their bodies when they control themselves and please fo not bring up “rape and Incest” until you are ready to prohibit all abortions except in cases of rape and incest.THEN and only then are rape and incest relevant to the discussion.
It amazes me how vigorously many pro choice people defend the concept and right of “my body, my choice”, yet would deny that same right of bodily integrity and choice when experimental medical products are mandated. What is the difference between protecting granny and protecting a baby in the womb. I know my granny stands a 99.5% survival rate.. I wonder what the survival rate is for an aborted baby.
I guess there are two of us Sams here. 🙂
What you said is so true—the “my body, my choice” rhetoric is hypocrisy at its finest. 😛
Sam I am.. and you too.
I mentioned abortion survival rate because there are people who have survived abortion. The link is a video retelling of abortion surviver, Melissa Ohden, who was saved from a 7 month saline abortion by the kindness of a stranger after being left to die. She is a beautiful and amazing woman with and incredible story to tell. Fascinatingly beautiful. Hope you can watch it.
Sam, thank you. That’s a very long video, but I watched a little bit of it. Very inspiring. 🙂
Ohden said: “Over 64% of women report being coerced into having an abortion.”
Wow!! 🙁 So much for “it’s just their choice.”
I was one who chose life over abortion the very same year that Melissa Ohden was born as a consequence of the failed abortion attempt on her life. Abortion was never an option I considered and I have been blessed many times over by choosing life over any inconvenience it caused me. It was a painful decision to give my son up for adoption, but the outcome could not have turned out any better than it has. I found my son, after many years of searching, 16 years ago. He was adopted by a wonderful and loving family who has thanked me many times for the gift of life I gave to their family. I was able to attend his wedding and now have a lovely daughter-in-law and three adorable grandchildren.
I thank God often for the blessing of his life and how our reunion has enriched both our families. Had I chosen abortion at any stage of his development inside my body, he would not be here now and either would my 3 adorable grandchildren.
I am not naïve enough to think that abortion will be eradicated any time soon, but I do hope that the parties on both sides of the issue can one day come to a consensus that the child in the womb is a separate person created with it’s own unique DNA.
I suspect many women going in for an abortion are mostly clueless about the horrors of the abortion industry and believe the lie that their child is just a clump of cells.
Ms. Murphy you were so correct in your beginning statement about the main street media not reporting the whole story about Roe. The truth is that the SCOTUS was wrong in the beginning for putting abortion in the hands of the Federal Government. The new ruling puts it back into the states so that the people can determine what is best for each state. You are telling lies like all of the left-wing murders in your party. Stop it. Abortion is murder. Abortion is murdering innocent babies.
Naomi Wolf is a hero to me for her willingness to speak out against the Machiavellian Jab which is crippling and killing millions worldwide.
But, like me, she once was in her mother’s womb. Did her life not matter then? Hardly. Yet the logical inconsistency of her denying the same respect and care for our Preborn, Partially Born and Newborn brothers and sisters who’re being legally slaughtered in the name of “choice” that she holds for those attacked long past birth via the ClotShot is astonishing. What exactly makes us less worthy of love and protection simply by being extremely young, small, dependent and in the temporary shelter of the womb? I, too, lost relatives in the Holocaust. And I’ve lost nieces and nephews by abortion. The end result is the same: Dead human beings who didn’t deserve to die. We all have a right to the liberty of actually LIVING our lives regardless of anyone else’s wishes, at least that’s what our Constitution says.. Is that not what the fight against the vaxx itself is based?
So that’s why I refuse to remain silent as her site is now dehumanizing and attempting to justify the violent butchering of the youngest and weakest of innocent human beings by abortion. Naomi, if you can’t admit your own life had value during those first nine months or so of your existence, so be it. But don’t you dare claim to care about humanity while you simultaneously advocate for the violence of brutally killing defenseless human children by the horrific act of abortion. By doing so, you’ve just joined forces with those you claim to oppose whether you realize it or not.
You need to decide do all human lives have equal worth or not?
If you can’t understand how this question is at the very heart of our struggle against what we’re all facing now by those seeking to abort most of us, perhaps you need ask yourself why not?
Either human life is sacred or ease up on fighting the roll up your sleeve to submit to the godless might makes right philosophy closing in us. You can’t pick and choose who gets to live and push others toward death unless you’re one of them. Is that who you really want to be?
The ball’s in your court, Naomi.
Thank you for your legal background and outline of where it is important to put our energy and efforts on this issue. Shocking the ERA for women is not written into the constitution. Lets not get distracted. I know many many women whose chose abortion soundly and wisely and have not regrets. The argument is for choice not unfair rigid law. There are countless situations where a healthy chose is appropriate.
Exactly. Most women I have ever known did not regret their choice of an early abortion. And I’ve never known any who did a late term as the VAST majority are early term. The government does not get to be a pregnancy enforcer and no amount of calling innocent women “murderers” will change that fact.