Miscarriages, Stillbirths, Deaths – Not the trends we want to see…

Listen to Just Think Podcast Episode 72: Combing The Data & Sounding The Alarms
Correlation does not mean causation, but when this many deaths occur this soon after a certain intervention, it is ABSOLUTELY a RED FLAG, and it should be the PRIORITY investigation to determine cause
This is the trend in reports of miscarriages/stillbirths by year….starting in 1990.

And myocarditis/pericarditis…

And deaths…

You have to JUST THINK about the only thing that has changed…in 2021…
Yes… Correlation does not mean causation, but when this many deaths occur this soon after a certain intervention, it is ABSOLUTELY a RED FLAG, and it should be the PRIORITY investigation to determine causation.

A little perspective…The FDA recalled Abbot baby formula after 5 babies got sick and 2 died. They recalled it…taking the “better SAFE than SORRY approach (Please note that we agree with this, because ONE baby death is too many)…just based on CORRELATION and the POSSIBILITY of causation.
Then they found that the formulas were negative for the bacteria.
They even later expanded the recall when they THOUGHT the infection “MAY have been the CONTRIBUTING cause of death.”
Then we have this MORE THAN OBVIOUS trend….

Yet they recommend more of the same intervention that is likely causing this trend.
To clarify (for the fact checkers)…they first recommended booster of exact same intervention…but now changed it to a booster only tested 8 mice.
The really sad part about all of this is that they knew A LONG time ago, and I specifically remembered this ONE video from The Highwire where Jeffrey Jaxon explained exactly how they lied and skewed numbers re: pregnant women and miscarriages…
This is a must watch and worth your 10 minutes to understand how the public is being deceived…
Dr Thorp
We highly recommend you listen to our episode with Dr James Thorp, OBGYN and watch his presentation for more info…
What keeps me up at night…
Sadly, there is SO MUCH information and so many studies rolling in on these topics, so we will just highlight a few for you to have as reference and resource. We would love for you to share this with your doctor, your friends, and especially anyone who is or wants to become pregnant. This is critical information that we are not being given and right now we believe INFORMED CONSENT, and making EDUCATED, FULLY INFORMED decisions for our health and our body is of utmost importance.
Covid-19 Injections in Pregnant Women Lead to 8X Increase in Spontaneous Abortions and 3X Increase in Stillbirths.
‘Danger Signal’: Leaked Hospital Email Reports Increase in Stillbirths, COVID-19 Vaccine Suspected
ICELAND; Stillbirths and infant mortality rates increased by 80% between years
Here is the study…translate to English once you click on it…
“I just received FOIA’d data on stillbirths in Germany from my friend and colleague, Prof. Christof Kuhbandner and share them with his permission. The picture they reveal is jaw-dropping”
Women and girls are being lied to about vaccine safety
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists should hang its head in shame
COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function
Taiwan: Birth Rate Dropped -27.66% in June 2022!!!
CDC Data: Moderna Causes 42% MORE Miscarriages Compared to Pfizer
One of our favorite episodes was with Amy Kelley from Dailyclout.io where they are combing through every single page of Pfizer’s data, and exposing information that they don’t want you to know about.
American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists
AFTER reading and watching ALLLLLLLLL of that, guess what it says on the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists website for Covid Vaccine recommendation in pregnancy?
Read their official statement and let us know what you THINK…. (we added the bold font to some parts)
“As the leading organizations representing experts in maternal care, we continue to strongly urge all eligible individuals—especially those who are considering pregnancy, pregnant, recently pregnant, and lactating—to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
“Pregnant individuals are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 infection, ICU admission, and death, as well as adverse pregnancy outcomes. If an individual is pregnant, the best way to protect themselves and their pregnancy against the potential harm from COVID-19 infection is to be vaccinated.
“Data from thousands of individuals show that COVID-19 vaccines are both safe and effective when administered during pregnancy. The same data are equally reassuring when it comes to infants born to vaccinated individuals, and in fact vaccination during pregnancy may extend a protective benefit to newborns after delivery.
“COVID-19 vaccines do not impact fertility. All individuals contemplating pregnancy, whether in the near or distant future, can feel confident in the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines and the fact that they have no impact on fertility. This is especially important to communicate now that one COVID-19 vaccine is approved for children as young as five, and parents are seeking assurance about their children’s reproductive futures.
“Our organizations support vaccine mandates to protect public health and help increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake. Pregnancy and reproductive potential alone do not qualify an individual for a medical exemption from a vaccine mandate, because there are no known risks associated with vaccination during pregnancy and vaccination during pregnancy is strongly and universally recommended.
“As the pandemic continues, we remain extremely concerned by the low vaccination rates among pregnant individuals. There also remains a critical need for particular attention to address low vaccination rates among communities of color, who are disproportionately impacted by the virus and whose vaccination decisions may be shaped by historical and cultural considerations. We are especially concerned that continued low vaccination rates will further exacerbate the existing Black and Indigenous maternal health crisis, including in rural areas of the country.
Increasing cases in other parts of the world may foreshadow another surge in the U.S., particularly with holidays approaching and travel increasing. Our members play a critical role in helping pregnant individuals and those planning to become pregnant feel confident in choosing vaccination to protect themselves, their infants, their families, and their communities.
“We encourage our members to counsel their patients to get vaccinated with confidence and cultural humility and help ensure patients receive a unified message from their clinicians in support of the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines.”
This has to make you JUST THINK….
Kristen, Holly, & Amy
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This article was republished from the author’s Substack.
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