“Liberty is Just a Hobby for These People!”

Mr. Jimmy Dore is a well-known comedian. He’s the host of The Jimmy Dore Show on YouTube, and he regularly performs live stand-up as well. Mr. Dore joined the DailyClout’s podcast, CloutCafe, for a lively conversation about his comedic inspirations, the journey of his stand-up career, and how the COVID era affected comedy and turned everything on its head.
Highlighting Absurdities Through Comedy
Mr. Dore uses his comedic talent to highlight absurdities in culture. He discussed the comedians who taught him that being an adult didn’t mean he had to always be serious, and they, too, would often mock the absurd. They include early comedy legends such as George Carlin, Bill Hicks, and Monty Python. As soon as Mr. Dore understood that he could live a life of laughter and comedy, it was clear to him that he never wanted to do anything else.
“Liberty’s just a hobby for a lot of these people”
Mr. Dore said that informed consent, liberty and freedom, and transparency in government are all supposed to be values. If you don’t stand by those values when times are hard, then they’re not values, they’re hobbies.
Mr. Dore’s immersion in the liberal world of comedy made it all the more puzzling for him when COVID hit. Suddenly, his fellow “stick it to the man, power to the people” progressive leftist friends were nowhere to be seen when governments all over the world struck down hard on their nations’ citizens overnight, shutting businesses, mandating masks and drugs, and stomping over liberties everywhere.
Mr. Dore maintains a reputation of being staunchly anti-war and pro-free speech, no matter which political party is in office. He spoke out in defense of Alex Jones when Mr. Jones got de-platformed and had been dismayed to witness the people he thought stood for the same values argue in favor of the censorship of Mr. Jones. Of course, that initial censorship progressed to the censorship of millions of Americans, including doctors and scientists who brought differing views on COVID and other health matters and a sitting U.S. President.
Parallel Systems
Mr. Dore’s concerns were proven to be legitimate, as a raging information war is heating up between the government/pharmaceutical industrial complex, and independent thinkers who seek real information. Connecting with others, building parallel spaces for free and open conversations, and parallel systems to the rotten, captured, public/private institutions are essential for those who seek freedom moving forward.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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Loved the interview with Jimmy Dore. I have been following him for several years because in his own unique way, he spreads the truth that no other commentator dares to. Keep up the good work!