Dr. Peter McCullough – “This Spike Protein is a Killer”

Dr. Peter McCullough was one of the most outspoken and bravest leaders during the pandemic, and today he is continuing his work to keep Americans healthy and safe in this new post-pandemic era of spike protein.
Dr. McCullough wasn’t afraid to stand up to big pharma, big tech and big government during the pandemic, and he is showing that same courage today.
“This spike protein is a killer, and it rips through the hearts of men and women,” said Dr. McCullough in a new video where he calls the response of the FDA and the CDC to the dangers of spike protein as “criminal.”
The good news is that, despite censorship by the mainstream medical community, solutions exist to deal with this deadly spike protein. Dr. Peter McCullough notes the following potential remedies:
- Prescription Ivermectin
- Prescription Low-Dose Naltrexone
- Over-the-counter Nattokinase
In particular, nattokinase shows great promise. From Dr. McCullough:
I have found nattokinase, the Japanese product derived from natto (a traditional Japanese food made from whole soybeans that have been fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto.) to be the most compelling and scientifically supported approach to clear Spike protein out of the body via proteolytic degradation.
Not only is nattokinase over-the counter, Dr. Peter McCullough and his team at The Wellness Company designed an optimized Nattokinase-based supplement, Spike Support, to give people everywhere access to this critical ingredient.
In addition to Nattokinase, which aids with circulation and dissolves spike proteins, Spike Support also includes:
- Dandelion for a detoxifying agent and prevent spike protein cellular binding
- Black sativa to possibly facilitate cellular repair
- Selenium to aid the body in repair and recovery
- Green tea for added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals
- Irish sea moss to help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle
The Spike Support Formula optimized to both provide the greatest possible protection, and also to help consumers save money – purchasing all the separate ingredients of the Spike Support Formula would be over $100 – you can save 36% with the unique formulation in The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula.
The pandemic may be behind us, but spike protein is here to stay. Keep you and your family safe and order the Spike Support Formula today!
Click here to order the Spike Support Formula today!
Still waiting for evidence of this protein ever being found in anyone on the planet. 214 institutions in 40 countries were asked and had no record of the alleged virus being found in anyone, and we have the follow as well (but I realize it’s harder to sell stuff if you admit these facts to the public):
December 16, 2022:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was unable to provide any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 spike protein being found in anyone and purified (as opposed to “recombinant” “spike protein” being created in a lab and then studied, as though that reflects something going on in actual people); and so they responded as though this was another FOI regarding the fake virus, and provided the same useless paragraphs that they’ve been giving people for the past year or so:
February 14, 2023:
Once again, the people at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were unable to provide any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 spike protein being found in anyone and purified. (I specifically ruled out studies where “recombinant” “spike protein” was created in a lab in order to be studied, because those studies can’t provide any evidence of the alleged “SARS-COV-2 spike protein” actually existing in people, i.e. people with the fraudulent convid diagnosis, or people who received the fake mRNA vaccines, or anyone at all.):
March 21, 2023:
Roger Andoh acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, CDC confessed that the CDC doesn’t even have a study where authors did either of the following:
1) tested for the alleged “SARS-COV-2 spike protein” in the blood of “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” people, and compared the results – to look for evidence that the “mRNA” quackcines cause bodies to create the protein
2) compared the antibody levels for “vaccinated” people and people injected with other toxins (i.e. other quackcines), to assess specificity of antibodies.
Thanks to everyone who are working diligently to save our people and our country
Sounds promising. Also sounds like a money making venture as well.
I hope ppl aren’t in this to sell product, make money off of fear