Join Children’s Health Defense in Albany on January 14th

Join CHD CEO Mary Holland and the Highwire’s Del Bigtree along with citizen advocates from across New York and the surrounding area for a rally and day of public education at the State Capitol in Albany on Tuesday, January 14, 2024.
The event will be indoors at the North Concourse of the Empire State Plaza. Doors open at 9:00 a.m., and the rally starts at 11:00 a.m.
This marks the sixth year that health freedom advocates have shown up strong at the start of the NY legislative session in Albany. Our presence has prevented draconian changes in vaccine policy and continues to remind elected officials that we are watching. We have high hopes that 2025 will bring forth meaningful changes to improve the health and wellness of our children.
Key Issues on the agenda include:
- Protecting parental rights to make all medical decisions for their minor children
- Restoring religious exemptions for school children
- Protecting the privacy of adult vaccine records
- Allowing workers fired for refusing the COVID injection to return to work
- Restoring the right of people injured by a vaccine to go to court
- The need for a parent to always be present when a vaccine is given to a minor
- Assuring that only physicians make decisions about medical exemptions to attend school
Speakers include:
Bobbie Anne Cox, defeated Hochul’s Quarantine Camp regulation; Tricia Lindsay, civil rights attorney; Sujata Gibson, CHD attorney; John Gilmore, Autism Action Network; Michael Kane, Teachers for Choice; Rita Palma, My Kids, My Choice; James Lyons Weiler Ph.D., IPAK; Shannon Joy, The Shannon Joy Podcast; and more to come.
BUSES: Visit Autism Action Network for more information on buses from Long Island and NYC.
Driving directions to Albany and parking locations:
Directions to the North Concourse, Empire State Plaza:
More information is available from:
Please share this message with friends and family.
This is the opportune time to contribute our best efforts to ensure that we create the healthier, more beautiful world we want for our children.
In health,
The Children’s Health Defense Team