“Exclusive w/Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav: ‘Never Again Is NOW!'”

From TYRANNY – comes awakening! And despite government, media & political attempts to erase these horrors from modern history and memory – we must continue to fight for the truth to be revealed and JUSTICE for the victims so that we can finally heal.
Holocaust survivor, human rights activist, author and filmmaker, Vera Sharav, presents a new documentary that focuses on where we are at in this moment with the global tyranny we are all facing and poses the question, how the heck to do we get out of this mess together?
Her newest documentary From Tyranny to Awakening premiered on Sunday June 30th on You Tube and Rumble. The one-hour film is free to watch. No subscriptions are necessary. Donations are encouraged. All proceeds go towards Sharav’s nonprofit organization, The Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP.)
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