Canadian Crackdown & the War Against Dissent During COVID-19

Ontario family doctor Patrick Phillips sits down with DailyClout Associate Editor Etana Hecht to go back to the moment he knew “something was wrong.”
And while Covid-19 mandates and restrictions ease elsewhere in the world, Dr. Phillips attests the Canadian government is cracking down “harder than ever” on dissidents.
This DailyClout article is the writer’s opinion.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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Did the lawsuit request proof of COVID-19? In Alberta, a business owner was fined for being open & he won his case after health authorities couldn’t provide proof. God bless these doctors for risking everything to fight back.
We know who the real quacks are its the big pharma pushing criminals, not doctors like this one with a moral compass to risk his career to speak out against this unspeakable fraud committed on the general public at large. Time to lock up the fraudster doctors.