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December 30, 2016

Should Protesters Be Allowed To Burn US Flags?

While many Americans cheered the victory of Donald J Trump in the US election, others were distressed that this candidate had become the new President of the United States. Some of those opponents expressed their sentiments in a controversial but time-honored form of protest — they burned the American flag. …

December 20, 2016

The Electoral College May Never Die

Yesterday, across the country, members of the Electoral College cast their ballots at last, and confirmed Donald J. Trump as President-Elect. There is a lot of protest and dissension right now about the institution of the Electoral College. Many voters oppose it — who don’t actually understand what it is. …

December 14, 2016

House and Senate Democrats Push to Address the Opioid Addiction Epidemic by Funding Treatment Centers

Twenty-three members of Congress, including Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-02) and Rep. Elizabeth Esty (CT-05), have written a letter that calls for funding as soon as possible, to deal with what they call the major US problem of opioid addiction. What are “opioids”? “Opioid” is a general term that refers to …

December 5, 2016

Should September in New Jersey Be Devoted to Telling Families How to Help Suicidally Depressed Teens?

Is suicide something that happens only to a few marginalized families, or only to people whom ‘no one knows’? Hardly. It happens down the street, to our friends and neighbors. Shockingly, suicide is the third leading cause of death for New Jersey children and young people between the ages of …

November 30, 2016

Should We Tax Addictive Prescription Drugs — To Fund Addiction Treatment?

Americans are addicted to prescription drugs in huge numbers. As headlines in tabloids regularly confirm — as one pop star or musician after another confesses that he or she has a painkiller problem — Americans  are especially likely to be addicted to opiate-based prescription drugs. According to a National Survey …

Iziah Explains

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