“We Do Not Actually Live in a Democracy in the Netherlands”

Dear Naomi,
I saw the interview you had with Flavio Pasquino from Blackbx.tv in the Netherlands. I am from the Netherlands myself, and I have to agree with you 100% on what you stated in the interview. Most Dutch people have forgotten the rebellious nature of the past, and it has been slowly massaged from their DNA in recent decades. Most also do not know the Constitution and the Dutch system of government. They forget that we do not actually live in a democracy in the Netherlands. We may call it that, but it is in fact a constitutional monarchy with a parliament. The function of the head of state and individual rights of citizens is laid down in the Constitution. But whereby the scrutiny of the constitution itself is excluded from judicial review via Article 120. This control takes place by parliament (the 1st Chamber). However, when it is asleep, as has been the case for decades now, it is increasingly happening that laws are passed, that are at least in spirit contrary to the letter of the Constitution. But as long as no one cares about that (unfortunately a large minority does), we are dealing with the dictatorship of the majority, that violates and ignores the elementary rights of individuals. Civilian judges can still test against international treaties. But that has become almost an empty meaning, as the international treaties that should protect the rights of individual citizens are almost all being weakened or canceled. It also indicates that the trend that is going on in the Netherlands (and other member states). In the Netherlands, international treaties are considered hierarchically more important than our own Constitution, written in 1840. So it looks like, metaphorically speaking, ‘if we are going to violate fundamental rights, at least we should all do it together’. It seems to be the perpetrator logic of, ‘if everyone is guilty, then no one is guilty’.
This has only accelerated since the creation of the EU. Most citizens in the individual states saw no danger in this juggernaut. Since the predecessor of the EU, the EEC, was indeed a good partnership, which only arranged economic and logistical matters. It shouldn’t have gone further than that. In 20 years, approximately all sovereignty has been transferred to the EU. And the EU Commission (the federal government) itself is not elected by citizens in the EU member states. They are appointed/elected by the Prime Ministers of the Member States, who are predominantly Young Global Leaders or affiliated with other international (NGO) private parties. Citizens can only elect a representative in the EU parliament. But that parliament is a paper tiger, as it has no initiative or veto rights. They can block legislation. But that almost never happens, as the majority consists of the same people as the cartel parties in the individual member states. And these are almost in all cases career people, who often only serve party interests. And within those parties there is a cadaver discipline that if they deviate as a representative they are thrown out of the party. And this is usually career ending for people who usually have no skills and thus no other choice but to be bureaucrats. For example, there is a European party that consists of parties from individual member states. However, the hierarchy is designed in such a way that policy is made at European level and rolled out at state level. There is the Renew Europe party, which consists of the Dutch parties VVD and D66 and others from other member states. In the Netherlands, however, people think that VVD and D66 are two different parties, with two different programs. But actually, Renew Europe in the Netherlands is participating with two apparently different programs. So what happens is that the EU Commission writes a proposal, which is adopted by the EU Parliament, and then the individual Member States are instructed to make this proposal into law in their jurisdiction. And so the circle is unfortunately hermetically closed from a legal point of view.Â
Unfortunately, we do not have a separate constitutional court in Holland, where citizens can file civil cases if they believe that their fundamental rights are being violated. In some EU member states, they do. Like in the Basque Country (autonomous region in Spain) where recently the corona vaccination passport was cancelled definitively. So I have to agree with you 100% when you say that the legal system of the United States better protects the individual rights of citizens, even without the 2nd amendment. Especially if you also compare this with the autonomy of the individual states, where there is a greater chance that states will rebel against the federal government, as is now happening. And as it should, there are enough state parliament members who consider their own state Constitutional Law more important than the one adopted by Washington. I am a great supporter of a republic system such as the United States still has. Because when I had live there now in California for example, I would certainly have considered moving to a state like Texas, Louisiana or Florida. And by the way, I am still considering moving to another state or continent. But we rather keep on fighting over here until we can no more or will be prosecuted.Â
Yesterday I bought your book in the Dutch translation, Oog in oog met het beest. And I agree with you 100% on that too. We are face to face with the beast. We have to face the confrontation, which will come no matter what. Likewise, we cannot say again as we did then: we did not know. That is no longer an option. Not in the Spirit of your or my ancestors, but also not in the Spirit itself.Â
And as a little personal note on myself. I dream quite a lot.Â
And years ago I had a dream, actually more of a nightmare. In the dream, I was visited by evil itself. It wanted to speak to me. I could barely hear what it said, except his name. Because a suddenly appearing sheet of white light made me deaf instead of blind to the words that this demon spoke. I made a video of this dream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44FF8dFBUac
Since then, I have become more and more spiritually interested in religion in general and Revelations from the Bible in particular. In my view, activating Artificial Intelligence as a general means of governance for humanity is one of the two beasts written about in the book of Revelations.
I pray to the Holy Spirit that my fellow man in the Netherlands (and the rest of the World) will wake up more quickly, and I will do everything in my power to achieve this. After all, those who do not perceive the darkness will never seek the light.
With Kind regards,
Jeroen Schrassen
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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