White Paper Protests

A bold and historic phenomenon is taking place across China. The Chinese Communist Party has increasingly imposed draconian Covid restrictions in conjunction with their Zero Covid policy. Zero Covid policy has led to measures such as locking residents in their buildings without the ability to leave for work, food shopping, or medical purposes. In the face of tyrannical oppression by the Chinese Communist government, illegal protests have erupted in cities, and at universities, across the country, including in the cities of Nanjing and Beijing. The protests are calling for freedom from Covid tests, and for an end to “Zero Covid.”
The government is arresting protestors every day, yet there seems to be no sign of the protests dying down. Last week the cruel nature of Zero Covid policies culminated in the death of 10 citizens in a city called Urumqi, who burned alive in their apartment, as the government kept them locked in as a fire spread throughout their building.
Protests took on a fierce nature in response to that event, and last Saturday in Shanghai people held a vigil for the victims, while holding up blank white papers, which are a symbol of what they would like to say, yet can’t. The White Paper Protest has since begun to spread across China, including at Tsinghua University in Beijing and along the Chinese capital’s third Ring Road with images and videos of mass protests dotted by white.
According to Reuters, a 26-year-old protestor named Johnny stated that “The white paper represents everything we want to say but cannot say”.
The Chinese Communist Party is not known for its tolerance of dissent, and the courageous people of China are risking their lives by raising their voices.
UPDATE: As of this morning, there are reports that China is going to be backing down from the harshest of the Covid restrictions, after this week’s protests.
Igor Chudov reported about it here

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