Tuck Tuck, Go: Tucker Carlson Cancelled

Originally published on author’s Substack, “I Protest” by Donald Jeffries
Getting woker and woker
I’ve spent the last few days talking about the abrupt departure of Tucker Carlson from Fox News. I did a few interviews, and from what I’ve seen, and read elsewhere on the internet, it looks like I’m in the decided minority on the subject. The alternative media was always suspicious of Tucker, and are hardly mourning his cancellation.
I watched and enjoyed Tucker Carlson’s show. In fact, it was the only network news show that I was a regular viewer of, in my entire life. Night after night, I found myself nodding in approval to almost everything he said. He was closer to a real journalist than anyone else who has ever appeared on a major television network. Which makes Fox News’ assertion, a few years back, that he was an “entertainer” all the more ironic. Tucker was especially good on cultural issues. No one covered the transgender madness like he did. And he called out Black ghetto culture. He actually said there was no such thing as “White Supremacy.” And wound up losing most of his sponsors.
A few months back, Tucker aired the most remarkable piece I’ve seen on the JFK assassination, on any television network, in my life. He said the CIA killed Kennedy. On another occasion, he said that, whoever killed Martin Luther King, “it sure wasn’t James Earl Ray.” In over forty years of researching these assassinations, I can’t tell you how shocking that was to see. No one else has said anything remotely like that, in the history of broadcast television. Ever. And especially recently, he had taken to ridiculing Fox’s own Big Pharma sponsors on air. Again, unprecedented. RFK, Jr. suggested that this was the reason for him being fired by Fox.
I am well aware of Carlson’s personal and family history. He is connected to the Swanson family. His father was associated with the CIA through his position of running the Voice of America. He certainly has the look of privilege. It’s hard to picture him ever doing physical labor. His fingernails are probably manicured. And he used to wear a bow tie, never let us forget. I’ve seen video of him ridiculing 9/11 Truthers. And before his breathtaking epiphany on the JFK assassination, he had the odious Warren Commission apologist Gerald Posner on his show, and treated him with great respect. Not that long ago, Tucker was saying Oswald did it, just like each and every one of his network peers. So he’s come a long way, baby.
In a recent interview, Tucker expressed remorse for his former mainstream conservative views. He apologized for not listening to people like us, the dreaded “conspiracy theorists.” Indeed, for the past few years, Tucker has consistently made fun of those who call us “conspiracy theorists,” instead of making fun of us. Like all the rest of them do. He provided a very believable explanation for his gradual awakening. Is it possible that we are looking at human redemption? Few in my world believe that, and I think there are too many who don’t accept that anyone can be redeemed. Can people change? Even wealthy celebrities like Tucker Carlson?
Everyone who knows me in real life thinks I’m about as negative and cynical as a person can be. After all, one of favorite literary influences was Ambrose “Bitter” Bierce. But as I become acquainted with more and more people in the alt media, it strikes me that I am actually more optimistic and hopeful than nearly all of them. I trust very few public figures, but I do not automatically assume that the handful that say and do some good things are acting with ulterior motives. Like David Knight, I judge the actions, or even the rhetoric, of politicians and journalists, without categorically discounting them because of things they might have once said or done.
When he was wearing that bow tie, and working for CNN, Tucker never really said or did anything despicable, at least to my knowledge. I wasn’t really paying attention. He was playing the game, and making a great deal of money. Did he slowly assume the mantle of populist because he was ordered to? Because it was all scripted, like I believe the Trumpenstein Project was? Was he part of a Tuckerstein Project? If he was the controlled opposition so many of my friends think he was, why was he fired? Didn’t they want to keep the charade going? It’s hard to be a limited hangout, when your hangout has been taken from you.
I was surprised at the criticism Tucker received from the alt media, for airing what was at least for two nights, mesmerizing journalism regarding the January 6 “insurrection.” He didn’t go nearly far enough, they said. Why did he concentrate so much on the obviously intelligence-connected “Shaman,” they asked. As for the JFK assassination stuff, “Yeah, like we haven’t known that for years,” they cried. Well, I’ve known it for many decades. But he was the first one to say it over the national airwaves. And no one else, on any network, was showing and analyzing video from inside the Capitol on January 6. For network TV, this was revolutionary stuff.
Just a day or two before he was fired, the waitress turned crisis actor, assigned the role of congressional “representative,” known lovingly as AOC, basically demanded that Fox fire Carlson, during an interview with the ridiculous Jen Tsaki, now masquerading as a “journalist.” AOC charged that Tucker had incited “violence,” and claimed he was “a danger to our democracy.” Well, reporting the truth is certainly a danger to the kind of “democracy” that she, Biden, Zelensky, and the entire “Woke” entourage are bringing to the world. Inciting “violence?” Oh yeah, she must mean all the “White Supremacy” nonsense that Biden is always harping on.
As Tucker said, there is no such thing as “White Supremacy.” Like “hate speech,” it is an emotional term that cannot be quantified or defined. Of course, that can be said about almost any of the nonsensical terms and slogans of Identity Politics. Most Whites are scared of their own shadow, and only a fraction of them commit any violent crime. The “danger” they, and people like Tucker, represent is in their words. Their opinions. Their refusal to go along with an insane “Woke” agenda. Thus, the crusade to crush free speech. This kind of “democracy” doesn’t involve free speech. As AOC said in rejoicing over Tucker’s firing, “This proves that deplatforming works.”
Deplatforming. “Cancelling.” Politicized prosecutions. This is the foundation of the “democracy” that Tucker Carlson lampooned and raged against, usually in a very entertaining way. His show was the only program on television where a viewer was likely to learn anything meaningful at all. Any real news. Anything that wasn’t filtered through the awful prisms of the Joy Reids, Whoopi Goldbergs, and Joe Scarboroughs of the world. Funny, I don’t hear anyone rant about any of those real disinfo agents in the alternative media, to the same degree they blast Tucker or Alex Jones, for instance. The despicable shrews on The View celebrated Tucker’s firing like Pee Wee League Football cheerleaders, singing Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye on air.
We should be forming coalitions, if we are to have any chance of defeating the evil, monolithic force that has all but destroyed America. Instead, we constantly eat our own. I saw this for years in the JFK assassination research community. They all suspect each other, and are jealous of each other. They each want the credit for being the one to solve the mystery. Except it’s no mystery. Our government killed JFK, that is about as clear as can be. The only thing missing are the exact details. They were up in arms at Tucker for saying the CIA did it, when they think the CIA did it. They have become a bickering, unproductive group that lives to argue with each other.
I hope the alt media doesn’t become that, but much of it already is that way. I’ve commented before how the “conspiracy celebrities” act like they really are celebrities, and look down their noses at anyone who doesn’t have enough followers on Twitter to catch their attention or gain their respect. I’ve named some of them before. When I was writing On Borrowed Fame, I had an easier time contacting actors from old television shows, or musicians who were in bands that sold millions of records, than I do getting a response from some YouTuber with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, or a blogger with a large following. I wrote about the social hierarchy in Bullyocracy. Our conspiracy world has its own, high school-like hierarchy as well.
Call me naive, but I trust and accept people at face value, until I have reason not to trust them. Tucker Carlson never did anything remotely deserving of the hate he’s received, prior to becoming (or posturing as) a populist. I expected the corrupt and increasingly insane establishment to hate what he was reporting, but not the alternative news world. I could have written much of his material. Sometimes, it seemed like he was reading passages from my book Survival of the Richest. My publicist contacted his producer, and sent him the book. They at least seemed interested. The Left despises him, when he was closer to a classical liberal than the deranged likes of Keith Olberman or Stephen Colbert, whom they love.
I was connected to Tucker in such a way that I always felt close to being asked to come on his show. Naomi Wolf was a regular guest. Heather MacDonald has been on my show, and was one of Tucker’s regular guests. So has Sharyl Attkisson. John Catsimatidis had me on his show, and was a guest on Tucker. Alex Stein was on my show, and has been on Tucker as well. This is a personal disappointment to me, because my book on COVID, Masking the Truth, will be released very soon, and I’m certain that Tucker would have been interested. If I could have captured his attention, which obviously isn’t easy. But perhaps not as hard as contacting a self-important YouTuber or blogger.
No one should feel sorry for Tucker Carlson. He’s immensely wealthy, and will probably make more working as an independent podcaster. To show you how screwed up the marketplace is, the decidedly unpopular Rachel Maddow (maybe 200,000 viewers on a good night) makes a reported $30 million. We don’t know what Tucker, with his audience of three million made, but it was supposedly less. This wasn’t about money. Was it about shutting up the only voice on network TV that reported forbidden news, and who featured guests that may well have eventually included me? Would I have become suspect simply be appearing on his show?
No television network cares about viewership, just as Bud Light doesn’t care how many people drink their putrid beer. Tucker’s show was the highest rated on network television. A “competitive” marketplace would not want to lose a personality that could attract the biggest audience. The other “competing” networks should be trying to sign Tucker. But they won’t. Because it’s not about audience, or sales. There are other agendas involved. Tucker, compromised or not, trumpeted the virtues of free speech. And human decency. They don’t support free speech. And they aren’t decent.
Rumors are that Fox News has compiled a file of incriminating information on Carlson, to help ensure his silence. Reminds me of the files J. Edgar Hoover kept on JFK and his other political enemies. Meanwhile, he was a drag queen before his time in private life. This report came from Rolling Stone magazine, once cutting edge rock journal that has become a sickening sycophant for the corrupt state. And hates Tucker Carlson, it must be noted. One would think they might have leaked some salacious tidbit, but nothing specific was stated. So it’s just left out there that Tucker had something in his closet, something that made it possible to compromise him.
They are also now saying that Fox and Tucker parted on “the messiest possible terms.” One Abby Grossberg, briefly a producer for Carlson, has alleged that Tucker presided over a “toxic” and “misogynist” environment. There’s that name-calling again. The backbone of “Woke” politics, and something Tucker constantly ridiculed. Predictably, Grossberg intimated that Tucker had made “anti-Semitic” remarks. Well, if your name is Grossberg, that’s a card you’re going to play. Tucker never really mentioned Israel much, although he did criticize the ADL. Not many have done that, and lived to fight another day. There are rumors that Grossberg will sue Tucker.
It’s becoming increasingly popular for corrupt officials and organizations to sue those who call them out for their corruption. Dominion, which was once Diebold I believe, has a long history that the late Collier brothers covered in their book Votescam, and which I went into in Hidden History. It should have been easy to defeat them in court, citing the long history of irregularities, and the glitches associated with electronic voting in general. But Dominion wouldn’t have sued if they thought Fox would fight them. Evidently, BlackRock owns a piece of both Fox and Dominion. So they essentially sued themselves. And the sainted Ray Epps, the Alexander Hamilton of “insurrectionists,” the only one they love, may also be suing Tucker Carlson.
I’ll miss watching Tucker’s show every night. The only show I watched on television, other than Superman and Lois. Yeah, I know, the superheroes still kind of get to me. Maybe new “conservative” transgender Caitlyn Jenner will take his place. That’s the rumor. Isn’t a “conservative” transgender kind of like a barking cat? My dreams of getting on his show are gone. But I’ll always have Laura Ingraham’s invitation, which she revoked an hour later, to remember. If Tucker was a psyop, he was good at it. And I guess I was more gullible than I’d like to think. But if he was sincere, we lost a voice straight out of America 1.0, with a massive, popular platform.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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From the article:
“It’s becoming increasingly popular for corrupt officials and organizations to sue those who call them out for their corruption. Dominion, which was once Diebold I believe, has a long history that the late Collier brothers covered in their book Votescam, and which I went into in Hidden History. It should have been easy to defeat them in court, citing the long history of irregularities, and the glitches associated with electronic voting in general. But Dominion wouldn’t have sued if they thought Fox would fight them.”
Exactly. And for anyone who actually believes that Joe Biden won the 2020 “election,” I have Pikes Peak to sell you. 😉
I just realized that the title of this article is a play on the name of the search engine DuckDuckGo. Took me a whole day to get that!! Just curious—was anybody else on here having similar difficulties?? 😉