Letter to the Editor: Update on the Current State of COVID Mandates at the 8 Ivy Leagues

Dear DailyClout,
I wanted to give you a brief update on the current state of COVID mandates at the 8 Ivy Leagues (some of which you may already know).
To date, Columbia, Dartmouth, Penn, and Princeton have dropped all COVID vaccine mandates.
It appears that both Yale and Harvard plan to keep the primary series COVID vaccine mandates for 2023-2024 as they have updated their immunization form for next school year to reflect this. They have both also quietly removed their student-only booster mandate from the immunization form BUT the website still reflects that students are mandated to take the bivalent booster (Yale) or be up-to-date with the most recent booster shot (Harvard). Why do they have these inconsistencies? Are they properly informing or deceiving their incoming freshman as we have been unable to find that they have communicated this change to “recommended” boosters?
Cornell has announced that the primary series will be mandated for the 2023-2024 school year and no reply yet from Brown on what they plan to do for next school year.
Other elite colleges that have dropped COVID vaccine mandates: Duke, Georgetown, Boston College (one of the most tyrannical), Holy Cross (Fauci’s alma mater) and the SUNY and CUNY systems in NY dropped mandates a week ago and this was a shocker to many of us as Gov Hochul is among one of the most insane people pushing these shots on college students.
Other elite colleges that have announced COVID mandates for next school year: University of Michigan has announced that incoming freshmen that plan to live on campus must take a bivalent booster by May 15th for fall enrollment. Students living off campus and faculty/staff are not subject to the same requirement (rules are different for healthcare settings).
The prestigious Washington University in St Louis basically just notified students that if they took any monovalent mRNA vaccines, they are no longer “fully vaccinated” unless they now take a bivalent vaccine BUT if they took a J&J vaccine many moons ago, they are still fully vaccinated. It is so insane that surely this must be some mistake. I tweeted about it Friday and again today.
I fear Yale, Harvard, and others will do the same in the very near future.
I email these updates only in the event you have interviews where college mandates come up so that you can broadcast the most up-to-date information.
We are keeping a list and estimate that 300-400 of the colleges that we are tracking still have COVID mandates in place. With the FDA announcement that the bivalent has been authorized to replace the primary series, it will be interesting to watch if ALL colleges drop mandates or they update their mandates to the bivalent given that the primary series will no longer be available.
We are also keeping a list of colleges that NEVER mandated COVID vaccines and many colleges on this list are the colleges that we need to support and grow (homepage of our Website).
If any of these data points match with future newsletters, podcasts, media appearances, etc that you might be doing, we would be grateful for any help in keeping this information out in the public arena.
Contact Info:
Harvard president@harvard.edu
Yale president@yale.edu
Cornell president@cornell.edu
Brown president@brown.edu
University of Michigan presoff@umich.edu
Washington University St Louis andrew.martin@wustl.edu
You would think colleges would want their students to return so they could collect the astronomical tuitions they impose. By mandating this experimental gene altering injection, a good percentage of them will not return given health issues. The Covid pandemic is clearly over and it was never a threat to young adults anyway. Stop with the madness!!
I definitely agree with what you’re saying, but there was never really a “pandemic,” Emprov. It was mostly just a pandemic of fear.
It’s good to hear that four of the Ivy Leagues have dropped the jab mandates. But by and large, the following lines apply to the likes of the Ivy Leagues and other elitist institutions:
“You got mud on your face.
You big disgrace.” 😛
From the article:
“We are also keeping a list of colleges that NEVER mandated COVID vaccines and many colleges on this list are the colleges that we need to support and grow (homepage of our Website).”
Such places actually EXIST?? Good to know. 😉