Original article A federal initiative designed to combat disinformation and strengthen democratic processes has sparked a political firestorm, with newly released records revealing allegations of partisan misuse of taxpayer funds. The “Digital Citizen Initiative,” launched in 2019 under then-Minister of Democratic Institutions Karina Gould, initially aimed to combat online misinformation […]
“Girls Gone Weird”
Dr. Dina McMillan continues to explore the growing wave of extreme reactions from Democrat women in the wake of Trump’s election win. From public displays of anger to self-victimization, these actions may seem empowering but could have lasting, damaging consequences. Dr. McMillan breaks down what’s really going on and offers […]
“Trump Shockwaves: Inside the Democrat Meltdown”
Kate Hildreth dives into unhinged meltdowns from Democrats following President Trump’s victory. Enter the 4B movement, a movement of women on social media who are screaming in rage at Trump’s victory, shaving their heads, swearing off men, and encouraging all other women to follow suit by divorcing their husbands and […]
“Why Liberals Should Vote for Trump”
Dr. Naomi Wolf, a lifelong Democrat and advisor to two Democratic Presidential campaigns, explains why she feels liberals and undecideds should vote for President Trump. She also draws on her own expertise advising a Vice President and drills into the role of a Vice President, to show how VP Harris […]
“News of the Day”
Emerald Robinson and Dr. Naomi Wolf take on the news of the day. Why does each “side” fear and loathe the other? How did liberals get to be that way? Can we ever unite again as a nation? Have the conversation everyone is scared to undertake. Please Support Our Sponsors […]
“Revisiting On Liberty: Magnificent Guide in Troubling Times”
The year 1859 was eventful. Construction on the Suez Canal began, Darwin published The Origin of Species, John Brown raided and was subsequently executed in Harpers Ferry, Colonel Drake drilled the world’s first oil well in Pennsylvania, and Charles Dickens published A Tale of Two Cities. Yet for classic liberals […]
“Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Naomi Wolf”
Originally published on the author’s Substack. Renowned author recognizes what most prominent liberals are unable to see. Tucker Carlson just had a fascinating conversation with Dr. Naomi Wolf about her new book, Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age. The entire conversation is gripping, but what I […]
Faithless Town Unleashes New Anti-Woke Single “Woke Town”
Faithless Town Unleashes New Anti-Woke Single “Woke Town” Americana rock sensation Faithless Town is making waves once again with the release of their latest single, “Woke Town.” The track serves as a daring commentary on woke culture and the contemporary “progressive” left. Known for their fearless approach to tackling societal […]
Tuck Tuck, Go: Tucker Carlson Cancelled
Originally published on author’s Substack, “I Protest” by Donald Jeffries Getting woker and woker I’ve spent the last few days talking about the abrupt departure of Tucker Carlson from Fox News. I did a few interviews, and from what I’ve seen, and read elsewhere on the internet, it looks like […]
The Crime of “Talking to Tucker Carlson”
A Note of Support, from a Surprising Detente The whole world is commenting on and speculating about the abrupt departure of former Fox commentator Tucker Carlson from that network. Addressing the current moment is not my intent. I have no idea what the “inside story” is on the events related […]
“Naomi Wolf, a Woman of Class”
There are two kinds of Democrats. The Liberal Democrats I grew up with who were wrong on the majority of their point’s of view from my perspective, but that’s because I was raised a Conservative Republican. Then there is the modern Radical Democrat. These are the Democrats we confront everyday […]
Dear Conservatives, I Apologize
My “Team” was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda There is no way to avoid this moment. The formal letter of apology. From me. To Conservatives and to those who “put America first” everywhere. It’s tempting to sweep this confrontation with my own gullibility under the rug — to “move on” […]
Cultural vs. Gender Appropriation: Is There a Difference?
Today we’re diving right into the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to cultural appropriation. We’ve heard plenty of stories, mostly of white people, getting cancelled for wearing or “appropriating” certain aspects of a culture that is not their own. While it’s worth noting the differences between appreciation and […]
“Six Reasons Gavin Newsom Shouldn’t Be The Next Joe Biden”
Make no mistake — Gavin Newsom is running for president. He has led a gilded life and becomes more liberal with each passing day. Along the way, his policies have dangerously failed, and those failures should not be visited upon the rest of the nation. There are six reasons […]
Press Pause on Vaccine Mandates – Webinar Excerpts
Excerpts recorded during December 1, 2021 webinar – Dr. Naomi Wolf discusses vaccine mandates, recent judicial decisions and the global attempt to strip of us our liberties. Help us continue to bring you the truth, please donate to DailyClout. COVID is the Pretext to Strip Us of Our Liberties, Globally […]
Opinion—UPDATE: Trump, Trade, US Manufacturing and the Virus
This piece was originally published by Daily Clout in December 2019 and is republished here with additional information from the author, Ron Wisner. What could possibly go wrong from policies promoting the exportation of the bulk of our supply chain, including drug manufacturing, to a third-world country? Suppose there were […]
Opinion—”Does Germany’s Industrial Growth Give the Lie to Liberal Economists?”
If politicians wonder about income disparity in the US, they need look no farther than the loss of manufacturing in this country. There are two major campaign promises that President Trump is fulfilling, both of which have come to a head this week. They are directly and problematically related to […]