To the Editor: CA Fitt’s Report on the Global Attack on Food Supply and Property Rights

Dear DailyClout,
For Catherine Austin Fitt’s Solari Report I have just finished a deep dive research into the global attack on the food supply, land grabs, and the ‘policy tsunami’ geared at upending property rights. It all ties into a ‘politics of hunger’. In the report, I cite the article ‘The Purposes of Starvation: Historical and Contemporary Uses’, by Alex de Waal and Bridget Conley, and compare their analyses to policies that are currently being implemented on a global level.
I believe the control over the food supply is seen as a necessity by the ‘elites’ to lure the public into signing up for digital credits/ food stamps. In the report, I plead for a political discussion on protecting ownership rights, and right to land and food – as a basis for civilization and freedom.
Here is an excerpt from the report (the introduction and chapter on man-made hunger).
Here is more information:
Ms. Fitts recently discussed the attacks on the global food supply on Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog
Catherine Austin Fitts: Somebody is Still Trying to Kill You, Don’t Let Them
Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs invited me to discuss the contents of the reports on the takeover of the food supply.
Dig It! #200: Agribusiness Takeover of global foodsupply Dutch Farmers & Fisherman with Elze van Hamelen
Dig It! #178: Biotech takeover of food supply With Elze van Hamelen on Pharma Food
With best wishes,
Elze van Hamelen
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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