Some Want Amnesty. What Do YOU Say?

Call To Action- The NoAmnesty Testimonies Project
TLDR: The NoAmnesty Testimonies Project is documenting people’s responses to the article published in The Atlantic about Pandemic Amnesty. Send us your stories and your response to that request here
As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, The Atlantic published an article earlier this week that called for “Pandemic Amnesty”. There have been many great analyses about why this shift in the narrative is occurring now, but regardless of what motivated the article, it opened a Pandora’s box that can’t be closed.
The sheer anger that was sparked by this article is a sign that the Covid Class has no choice but to continue to gaslight others for as long as they possibly can. Igor Chudov wrote a great response to the article and received almost 1000 comments on his Substack.
The comments, on Mr. Chudov’s Substack and elsewhere, are filled with devastating personal stories, and an outpouring of emotions and feelings. The Amnesty Testimonies Project is here to document people’s stories for historical and journalistic reasons. The responses are a window into the will of millions of people to never be controlled like that again and ensure that the experiment of global tyranny disguised as “public health” will never be attempted again.
The best and most entertaining video response to the article is from Jimmy Dore, and I highly recommend watching it for cathartic reasons. (Disclaimer. He’s a comedian, and occasionally uses spicy words)
The DailyClout and Mr. Chudov are collecting testimonies and responses, to be compiled in a clear manner. Please feel free to comment below to add yours, or fill out this form.
We want to hear from you, and we want to tell your story.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
Agree with this essay? Disagree? Join the debate by writing to DailyClout HERE.
Durnit’ you put this thing on GOOGLE as in DooBee Evil Google. Find’a way to put this stuff on Substack or non-Stasi Media and I’ll participate gladly. Naomi knows ya set this up on GOOGLE fer gawdsakes? Evidence=great idear! Havin’ folks share it on Google=fool idear that’ll leave ya with fewer takers I betcha
I live in France where we were subject to the most ridiculous and arbitrary restrictions. During the first lockdown (or confinement as it was termed here) we were obliged to provide a signed form for every occasion of leaving the house. Only specific essential reasons were allowed, e.g. shopping, medical or administrative appointments and dog walking. The distances from your home for shopping and dogwalking were strictly specified. The types of shops which were allowed to open were fanatically controlled, only those deemed essential were permitted. We had the ridiculous situation that the garden centre could open, but only to sell pet food. All of the plants, seeds, tools, etc. were cordoned off, meaning people were unable to plant their vegetables. Supermarkets were open selling everything, but when the small shopkeepers selling non essential items complained, supermarkets were forced to cordon off all clothing, kitchenware, household, etc. aisles. We had the laughable situation of being able to buy an essential bottle of Dom Perignon champagne but not knickers or shoes. We were not allowed to visit neighbours or socialise in our own homes. When visiting was later permitted, the number of people allowed in one house was restricted. The French traditional greeting of kissing or shaking hands was forbidden.
Masks were required in all indoor public places. Some districts required masks outdoors. The fine for not wearing a mask was 135 euros for a first offence, rising to several thousand for repeat offenders.
After vaccine passports were introduced we became prisoners in the country, unable to visit family in the UK unless a close family member was terminally ill or died. The authorities required a copy of a medical or death certificate along with proof of close relationship in order to travel. Only parents, children or siblings were classed as close relatives. My sisters husband died suddenly of a stroke, but I was unable to attend the funeral. We were not allowed to go to restaurants or any other social gatherings. We were not allowed to enter any medical establishments without paying for tests. Medical establishments still require masks today.
Amnesty? Never.
“They” have this to answer for and to pay for:
loss of my business
loss of my career
loss of my future business plans
loss of my freedom to travel and experience the world
loss of my retirement plans
loss of my wife’s physical health
loss of my wife’s mental health
refused jobs and contracts as not jabbed with an experimental poison
ostracised by acquaintances
wife lost friends of 40+ years standing
ostracised and disowned by family
threatened for not believing in the holy masks and jabs
threatened for standing my ground, knowing the law and knowing I was exempt from wearing the face covering
drastic drop in standards of living due to loss of income, selling possessions to cover shortfalls
and on and on and on
I want retribution and revenge!
A trial followed by the hemp fandango or firing squad will do – I will even help the executioner so it’s not just talk.