“The Great Replacement is Real. The Nightmare Scenario is Now”

Stress Testing Western Civilization by Destroying It
In the Great Game played by the U.N., the W.E.F., and its various grim satellites, the international policy shops, and the closeted meetings of the Round Table, Bilderberg and the Committee of 300, the Vril, the 33rd Degree idiots, the backrooms of the National Security State, the CIA, MI6 etc., Canada’s is generally seen as the most passive western population. All over the world, people joke about us, mock us, and for the past fifty years, we have deserved it all. We went to sleep, we let the buggers have it all and we deserve everything that is happening. Our passivity is real. But it is skin deep – a recent and artificially imposed national character. The people I grew up among, all the families, the thousands among whom we lived, were anything but, though by the time I left university, the new Canada was forming, courtesy of the Marxist Trudeau and the civil service he bulked out.
The truckers invented the protests going on all over the world right now in every single country. That was us. Don’t count us out, but this is what they did , over fifty years, when we trusted them, how they bullied and destroyed a great people.
I left after graduate school, and came back only for family reasons. I vainly dream sometimes of a cottage in the Lake District, a ranch in Wyoming, but stuck I am, hoping, begging, praying for salvation. I am seventh generation Canadian on some sides of the family – they were titanic people who dug the highest longest railroad pass in the world, Kicking Horse Pass, the American branch who dug the first deep cut on the Welland, or my grandmother’s first cousin, Klondike Joe Boyle, who became the richest man in the world, digging gold up in the Yukon with a bear cub for a pet with whom he napped. He competed with the Guggenheims who had a dredging operation the size of his. He financed an entire regiment in the Great War – uniform buttons of gold – romanced and won Marie, Queen of Rumania, Victoria’s granddaughter and built the railroad the Russian army needed to get to the front in WW1. These people I grew up among? They were tough, exigent of their children and they expected much of the future. The future they saw was gleaming, incandescent with light, scholarship, wealth and goodness. And adventure. My great-grandmother started the Vancouver General Hospital in a tent. All these women bureaucrats – our bureaucracy is deeply feminized and not a good way – can do is institute legal fentanyl for children and adults, killing thousands a year on the streets, ruined people defecating, robbing and knifing fathers in front of their children outside Starbucks. You can kill a baby here, at any time in your pregnancy. No questions. Never mind population collapse. We don’t do math. We are girlies.

For two hundred years, they built, dug, and pioneered in town after town, in the coldest most inhospitable environment imaginable. They built and built and built the infrastructure and institutions for the millions who came after, both of which are being dismantled by heathens and the hate-filled. They fought against murderous animals and murderous indigenous. We tamed them, brought them to heel, and in the case of indigenous, in real history, not the Marxist confection that assaults our intelligence and truth, tried to help. Jamie, whose family is as old as mine – together we hold the bloodlines of four indigenous tribes.
I don’t write for Canadians. 90% of my readers are American or from the other 99 countries where Absurdistan is read. If I wrote what I thought about Canada, I’d be ruined by frivolous lawsuits or audited until I gave up. “The Overton Window,” says the head of the think tank where I am nominally a Senior Fellow, “has been narrowed radically since Trudeau”. There is so much you cannot say.
These people, these so-called Canadians, my contemporaries, the people among whom I properly belong, the people who run the country? I know them, I met them during grad school. These people are mewling ninnies, comfort-seeking, scared of their own shadows, determined above else to have someone else pay for their lives, content, apparently to do nothing but seek pleasure and complain, and trust the government to put them to sleep before the pain gets too much. They suffer from toxic compassion that kills or eats their young and kills their old. We have feminized the country, expressing every single negative trait usually assigned to women. We are weak, hysterical, nit-picking, scared, and vicious to anyone who challenges us. No one dares anything. I am entrepreneurial by nature, I started three companies before I turned 30 and one of them was in New York’s Soho and a resounding commercial success. Since I’ve been back, I’ve thought of five, but do I even map it out? No point, it would be smothered in its cradle by the safety police and the equity police and seedy little functionaries with clipboards.
We have killed the spirit of the country. And now we are killing ourselves.

Canada is almost sport-killing its own citizens and replacing them as fast as possible via metastatic immigration. By the time of the next election in 2025, less time than a decade, 16% of the country will have not been born here. Every month, 4,000 Canadian babies are born, and 150,000 immigrants come into the country – the equivalent of 1.5 million into the U.S. That does not count illegals or refugees. We have 2,500,000 temporary workers, now, 6.5% of the workforce. There is no place for them to live. We are 2-3,000,000 houses short.
So we are killing our born Canadians, white, ‘privileged’, as fast as possible, hoping that others will follow. We started killing the vaccine-injured recently. It is a generally accepted fact outside of officialdom, that we killed 30,000 of our citizens with the vaccine, according to physicist Denis Rancourt, more than any other country, and Dr. Chris Shoemaker thinks that will be 30,000 a year for the foreseeable future. And while we’ve stopped killing the mentally ill, that is only a pause, until people ‘get used to it’.
But hey! We’re making money at it.


We are your future. We are the test because our people have been radically weakened by cultural Marxism. We are what the globalists want for all of us. The white, educated, affluent with a history of independence, self-actualization and power, to be replaced by the desperate and pliable. In 2023, we recorded the largest legal immigration inflow on record, of more than one million, accelerating to 400,000 in the last quarter alone. We solicit immigrants in the shitholes of the world, promising money, jobs, health and dental care and we fast-track them to permanent residence.

We are your future.
We are five years ahead of the U.S., the U.K. or in fact, anyone. In the last two years, the government killed 455 people who were not terminal, who someone convinced they should die. “I am a burden. Kill me please.” We are practicing an active version of passive euthanasia. In the past six years, since the filth bucket Trudeau took power, the government killed 44,958 people. The graph is below. Note please the growth rate. It’s doubled in five years. 10-15% of all Canadian deaths in 2022 were administered by government. Please note this is not the Liverpool Pathway, this is not withdrawing nutrients or medicine, this is straight-up killing. Furthermore, as their own documents prove, much of the killing is hidden, classified as natural death, within whichever illness was dominant at the time

Let me put it this way. When my mother was dying, she was 96, and I brought her home and set up her hospital bed in my room and looked after her. She told me she wanted to die. I soothed her and finally said, “well, stop eating,” and she did. Then she stopped drinking water, or taking more than a teaspoon of applesauce with morphine in it, and within days she was gone, gently, easily. I heard her die, heard a slight gasp of surprise. I decided that was her realizing that she was dead, and it was her last breath, of surprise, not joy, not anything strong, just, wait, what? I’m still here?
She died trusting me, knowing how deeply she was loved. The dog and cat slept on either side of her, the atmosphere of home surrounding her. It was hard, because I had to shift her every three hours, but if I had had to tell some damned nurse to kill her in some foul clattery utilitarian room filled with machinery, I promise you the devastation, the self-hatred would have been geopathic. It would have poisoned my soul permanently. I tell you something else, the entire medical establishment, the hospital, doctors and nurses and home help treated me like a blessing, my humanity, one in five thousand, a softening of their jobs. Her death was soulful.
But we white Canadians aren’t allowed souls anymore.

Once health becomes a public resource, human beings become a public resource. The amount of time you may or may not live becomes someone else’s decision. We’ve had death panels here for decades. So has the U.K. So does every western country now. Kids go to school to become bioethicists, which means they get to decide. We are mechanisms to be moved around on John Stuart Mill’s chessboard, “the greatest good for the greatest number”, via our 4.1 million bureaucrats. We are government property, to be done with as the death panels decide. We are livestock. We kill people to save money.

MAID is a repulsive euphemism for the industrial killing of your own people via the hand of the therapeutic state. – John Sweeney
Health care is a rationed resource, and Canada is freaking broke. How broke?
Who is taking advantage of this program, in particular, the no-pathway-to-death-but-kill-me-anyway people? The upper middle class who have a loving family. Professor Jocelyn Downie, a straight-up ghoul, testified in Parliament that this program needs equity. We need to kill black, brown and indigenous as well, she said. It’s not fair.

Let’s back up. Old affluent white people – Canada is still white largely, built by whites, all the institutions Anglo or to some extent French, but Anglo principally – are choosing to self-destruct because they have been convinced they are rotten, as is the world they built. there is something rotten about them, about the world they built.

In Canada, we are looking at civilizational collapse. Our immigration, “legal” immigration, is out of control. We are killing the people in whom reside our history, the history of great accomplishment, the creation of a fully modern state within 100 years, fully egalitarian, limited only by your will, and ability to work. Both my great-grandfather who contracted and built Kicking Horse Pass, living on site for the time it took, and Klondike Joe Boyle became the richest man in the world, a lover of a Queen, a saviour of the Russian war effort, had only a high school education. My ancestor who dug the deep cut on the Welland, a titanic job, had a grade school education. None of them had privilege or family money behind them, Joe from a horse breeding farm, John Joseph Nickson, an immigrant, Phelps’s father was in debtor’s prison..
That’s what Canadians accomplished before cultural Marxism. That initiative, courage, confidence, precision, logic, problem-solving. Exported around the world, it would be an entirely different place. But no, now we have government.
Here, look, this is the argument against it which is fully 100% convincing. Its economics are crap. Give these people, these skeezy heavily benefited and vacationed, and pensioned parasites full rein and this is what they do to an economy that used to soar, could soar, and is now in full collapse.
These figures are from the Fraser Institute, OECD and Peter St. Onge, but principally the latter. St. Onge is a magnificent aggregator and explainer of our toxic economies.
Canadians receive West Virginian pay, with million dollar houses and California taxes. Wages have been stagnant since 2016. The average Canadian earns $18,000 less than Americans, on average. The OECD estimates that Canada will be the worst-performing advanced economy all the way to 2060. We are the worst performing advanced nation, worse than the deindustrializing EU, worse than stagnant Japan, worse than the U.S., which would be deep in stagflation were it not printing money. As St. Onge says, “its like being the slowest runner at the body positive marathon.”
We have nosedived since Trudeau took office. Business investment tanked by a third and $285 billion of investment has fled Canada. Which would be like $3 Trillion fleeing the U.S. Our government workers grew four times, 400%, 400% since Trudeau, and we have doubled government spending and doubled government debt.
Canadians now pay 4,100,000 government employees 31% more than anyone earns in a comparable job in the productive economy that pays their wages. We pay half our salaries to these parasites, more than we spend on food and housing combined.
Our health care system has collapsed since Covid. A medically necessary procedure means a 28-week wait. Environmental mandates add $55,000 to the cost of a new house and $1,000 a month to the rent of a one-bedroom apartment. If you have cancer and money, you go to the States or Mexico.
Seventy-four percent of us think government is too big. The conservatives will sweep the next election, getting more seats than any other in history. And they will be attacked every minute of every day by people who are not fit to wipe their shoes or sweep the sidewalks. They will be smothered by the worst people on earth, Canada’s civil service. Except in us all, runs the blood of the Canadian truckers.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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