“The Grand Refusal”
Mindful Activist, Ora Nadrich, was joined by author, Michael Rectenwald, about his masterful and timely book, “The Great Reset And The Struggle For Liberty“.
Dr. Rectenwald described a cartel-like environment unfolding, in which far-left social and political activist groups push corporations to adopt a whole set of agendas that the corporations must consider along with their profit margins in order to operate with approval.
Dr. Rectenwald wrote in his book that Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, is the “world’s leading voice on Climate Change Catastrophism” ushering in an environment of fear and imminent disaster. The fear-mongering forces corporations to go along with the climate change crisis, and adopt policies that fit within the agenda, with the goal to change human behavior and consumption. Individual liberties are at serious risk if forced to operate within the above system.
Manipulative Language
Ms. Nadrich and Dr. Rectenwald discussed how agenda-setters manipulate language. For example when discussing abortion, the language “reproductive rights” is used, when in fact it’s the exact opposite – the use of that language encourages women NOT to reproduce, as opposed to protecting and respecting reproduction.
“Who is Dr. Evil?”
There’s a chapter in Dr. Rectenwald’s book titled “Who is Dr. Evil?”. Dr. Rectenwald explained that the reference came from a General Motors Super Bowl commercial in 2022 portraying Seth Meyers as Dr. Evil, with the quote “I will help save the world first… Then take over the world!”
Dr. Rectenwald points out that Klaus Schwab and his collaborators at the World Economic Forum openly state that they believe they are controlling the world. Dr. Rectenwald described Klaus Schwab as posing an “evil to the world’s population”, due to attempting to control human behavior to points that are almost unimaginable.
“The Grand Refusal”
Dr. Rectenwald laid out a 9-point plan for resisting the onslaught of attacks on our physical and psychological well-being, including resisting Central Bank Digital Currencies, Digital Ids, and participation in the Metaverse.
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