“Melissa Blasek updates on the patient being denied a kidney transplant for not receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. She discusses President Trump’s executive order spree and details how to turn those temporary measures into enduring policy in the states. This is an episode jam-packed with activism tips and tricks.” _____ Follow […]
“We Only Have NOW To Make a Difference”
Melissa Blasek analyzes the good and bad news about the future Trump administration and clarifies why the time to act is NOW. She is joined by New Hampshire State Representative Mike Belcher who details the NH House special committee on the COVID response and the scathing report that has just […]
“Election Day is Day 1: Time To Get To Work”
Melissa Blasek is joined by political strategist Matthew Bartlett to analyze the results of the 2024 election up and down the ballot. Blasek later details next steps to get to work achieving political outcomes. Follow ‘The Liberty Lobbyist’ on Rumble! https://rumble.com/c/TheLibertyLobbyist Please Support Our Sponsors: Birch Gold Group: “A Gold IRA […]
“An Honest Evaluation of the US Presidential Race”
Melissa Blasek gives an update on the free speech case in New Hampshire over girls-only sports coupled with a warning and plea to take back local governments. Republican Strategist Matthew Bartlett joins Blasek to share an honest and unemotional breakdown from the bottom of the ballot and working up to […]
“Protecting Free Speech and the Inception of Brownstone Institute”
Melissa Blasek details the story in Bow, New Hampshire, making national headlines and the activism efforts to support free speech and girls-only sports. She is joined by Jeffrey Tucker, Founder and President of Brownstone Institute, who discusses the inception of the Brownstone Institute and the “failure” of the liberty movement […]
“Fixing The Broken Healthcare System”
Melissa Blasek details lessons learned from last week’s New Hampshire primary and bill ideas anyone can implement in any state. She is joined by Dr. Kat Lindley to discuss the broken healthcare system. What broke it and how can it be fixed? As always, we stay focused on outcomes first […]
“Big Pharma Invades Schools”
Melissa Blasek empowers viewers to engage at the state and local level and to support down-ballot candidates. Private citizens have far more power over their government than just one vote every two years. Later, she discusses the dangers of school-based health clinics with Tiffany Kreck, founder of Health Choice Maine, […]
“Judicial Supremacy: The Real ‘Threat To Democracy'”
Melissa Blasek explains the importance of tracking court cases and the threat of judicial supremacy. She is joined by Rep. Jim Kofalt of New Hampshire to discuss a recent restraining order granted in relation to a new law banning males in female sports. Then, Montana Family Foundation’s Derek Oestreicher explains […]
“How States Can Fight The Issues That Matter”
It’s the right time of year to brainstorm legislation in time for the state legislature’s narrow bill submission period. Melissa Blasek is joined by Daniel Horowitz of The Conservative Review to brainstorm legislation for states to fight the issues that matter, in the time they matter, and in the way […]
“Red Pilling Legislators On Vaccines”
Melissa Blasek shares why she believes it is important to hold politicians on each side accountable and how to gauge targets for activism. She is joined by Aaron Siri to discuss the biggest “red pills” he dropped on the New Hampshire Legislature, his other legislative efforts, and how recent SCOTUS […]
“How To Break Through Establishment-Controlled Legislatures”
Melissa Blasek explains what makes some legislative bodies beholden to special interests instead of liberty. Later she is joined by Rep. Emily Phillips, who is running for NH state Senate against the establishment, and former NH state representative Tim Baxter. Together they identify the problems and solutions to overcoming the […]
“Blocking the Globalist Agenda”
Melissa Blasek defines the Overton Window, how to work inside and outside of it, and how to stretch it to achieve objectives. Dr. Kat Lindley, President and co-founder of the Global Health Project, joins Blasek to discuss the great awakening of doctors during COVID, free-market healthcare solutions, how to fight […]
“‘Medical Kidnapping’ in Maine”
Melissa Blasek discusses how and why you should fight when you’re the minority and losing. Maine State Representative Heidi Sampson details the new “medical kidnapping” bill just signed into law in Maine and Blasek and Sampson brainstorm how to fight back. Please Support Our Sponsors The Wellness Company: https://dailyclouthealth.com Use code […]
“DailyClout’s Commentators Talk 2024 Elections, Voting, and More!”
Four of DailyClout’s commentators come together on this segment of The Big Table. Join the host of Did She REALLY Say That? Shannon Joy, Unrestricted Invasion co-host Brian O’Shea, The Rogue Millennial and Homestead Revival host Kate Hildreth, and Melissa Blasek, host of DailyClout’s new show The Liberty Lobbyist. Joy, O’Shea, Hildreth, and Blasek dive into the importance of […]
“The Great Barrington Declaration and Reforming Scientific Academia”
Melissa Blasek explains the power of the petition and The Great Barrington Declaration co-author, epidemiologist, and biostatistician Dr. Martin Kulldorff describes his initiative to reform scientific academia. Related Links: https://dc.hillsdale.edu/Academy-for-Science-and-Freedom/Overview/
“Taking On the Mask Mandate Madness”
Melissa Blasek discusses layers of activism and the importance of building positive relationships with legislators. Stephen Petty, an industrial hygienist and health and safety expert, joins Blasek to discuss how he fought the mask mandate madness. Additionally, he shares insights into the East Palestine, OH, disaster and aftermath. Please Support […]
“The CDC Is Infiltrating Public Schools”
Melissa Blasek discusses the importance of creating a movement at the state and local levels. Ann Marie Banfield, an education and parent rights activist, joins Blasek to reveal the details of the CDC program infiltrating public schools across the country and how to fight back. Please Support Our Sponsors The […]
Isolation Camps: Is History Repeating Itself?
In this video, associate editor Kate Melgoza interviews New Hampshire State Representative Melissa Blasek on the latest New York court ruling against isolation camps, a rule change (Rule 5.13) proposed by New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul. This rule change would have allowed the detainment and isolation of any person “suspected” […]
NH Representative Blasek Shares Latest Legislation
New Hampshire State Representative Melissa Blasek gives an update on the Five Freedoms Legislation Among the updates, Governor Sununu has vetoed every bill that did not have bi-partisan support, including a bill that would ban masks in NH public schools. After agreeing to support a bill supporting state […]
New Bills Announcement From NH State Representative Blasek
Hi Daily Clout Community, The senate finished their work around midnight on Thursday, finishing out an exciting legislative season. The following 5 Freedoms bills have officially passed both chambers. HB 275, state of emergency reform HB 1466, relative to the off-label use of prescription drugs and relative to pharmacy prescriptions […]