New Bills Announcement From NH State Representative Blasek
HB 275, state of emergency reform
HB 1466, relative to the off-label use of prescription drugs and relative to pharmacy prescriptions
HB 1099, prohibiting the department of health and human services from requiring vaccine passports for services
HB 1131, relative to facial covering policies for schools
HB 1431, establishing the parental bill of rights
HB 1495, prohibiting the state from requiring businesses to require vaccine or documentation related to vaccination or immunity status
HB 1439, relative to health care facility visitation policies
HB 1003, prohibiting health care providers from refusing to provide care or services based on patient vaccination status
HB 1488, expanding the prohibition against discrimination based on an individual’s election not to participate in the state vaccine registry
HB 1608 relative to withdrawal from the state immunization registry
HB 1022, permitting pharmacists to dispense the drug ivermectin by means of a standing order
HB 1606, making the state vaccine registry an opt-in program
HB 1280, prohibiting a parent’s refusal to vaccinate a child pursuant to an order of the state or federal government to be used as a basis for terminating
HB 1604, including state medical facilities in the statute providing medical freedom in immunizations.
HB 1455, relative to state enforcement of federal vaccination mandates.
Thank you,
Representative Melissa Blasek
As a resident of NH, reading the amended ills on vaccines and Ivermectin brings me joy!! Step by step. Thank you for posting.
Is the governor expected to sign these bills into law?