As a 27 year Information Systems employee of the JM Smucker Co I am being separated from the company for refusing to comply with their vaccine mandates. Funny thing is before this pandemic the company touted their flexible work from home policies where it was agreed upon with managers discretion. […]
BOYCOTT: [Smuckers] Failure To Reasonably Accommodate
As of December 16th I am forbidden on the Smucker campus and am placed on unpaid leave until the end of January when the company will reevaluate to see if I will continue to be an ‘undue hardship’. I have been on campus at Smuckers four days a week since […]
[Press Release] “Overwhelming Majority Oppose New Mandates and Restrictions to Address Omicron Variant”
(Austin, TX—December 15, 2021) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted December 4th through December 7th of over 1,000 likely 2022 election voters. […]
NYC Vaccine Mandate Blocked by Judge in Blow to Bill de Blasio
NYC Mayor de Blasio Unveils Vaccine Mandate For Private Sector Amid New Covid Restrictions Mayor Bill de Blasio‘s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for New York City employees, including the NYPD, has been blocked by a Manhattan court. On Tuesday, Judge Frank P. Nervo in the Supreme Court of New York gave […]
Judge Halts Biden’s Covid Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers Nationwide
Topline A judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked the federal government from mandating Covid-19 vaccines for workers at Medicare- or- Medicaid-funded healthcare facilities, the latest legal setback in the Biden Administration’s effort to require vaccines in many workplaces. Louisiana-based federal Judge Terry Doughty issued a preliminary injunction Tuesday evening, prohibiting the […]
“FIVE FREEDOMS”: Federal Judge Blocks New York State Health Care Worker Vaccination Mandate
A federal judge on Tuesday granted an emergency injunction blocking the state of New York from enforcing a new CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. READ The full article by Matthew Vandum of the Epoch Times