BOYCOTT: [Smuckers] Story Of A Loyal Employee…

As a 27 year Information Systems employee of the JM Smucker Co I am being separated from the company for refusing to comply with their vaccine mandates.
Funny thing is before this pandemic the company touted their flexible work from home policies where it was agreed upon with managers discretion. And throughout the whole pandemic we were allowed to work from home and told how fantastic we did to keep the company thriving throughout. We were essential until ultimately we are no longer apparently.
I submitted my religious exemption following all the rules per title VII and answered all their questions. However was denied and told I can keep my job if I go get vaccinated. They will not grant my accommodation. My managers have said they would support me continuing to work from home, but the company will not. Because all of a sudden they want everyone back in the office at least 25% as they used this to slap this vaccine expectation first on us and then now a mandate.
The process they used has been nothing short of harassing and toxic as they (the committee making these decisions) communicate all their decisions by hiding behind an anonymous mailbox. This flies in the face of the basic beliefs this company was founded on. And that used to be their commitment to their people.
Additionally, with so many mandates being stricken down by the federal courts, our company chooses to move forward despite the law. Which also is contrary to the ethics this company was also founded upon.
If you are able, please help us with a donation. There are more stories like mine that need to be told.
Thank you,
Loyal (Former) Employee