Original article As ICAN supporters will recall, Dr. Barney Graham was formerly the Deputy Director of NIH’s Vaccine Research Center (VRC) and chief of the Viral Pathogenesis Laboratory. Back in 2020, ICAN sued NIH to get access to his emails during the pandemic and won. We’ve been reviewing the emails as batches […]
Who Has Been Teaching Humans to Make Terrible Decisions Related to COVID-19?
Who Has Been Teaching Humans to Make Terrible Decisions Related to COVID-19? Much like the London blitz in World War II, we are getting bombarded. We are under constant bombardment, and yet we do not know it. Just today I was driving and, while listening to the radio, heard […]
Besties: Twitter, Facebook, Google, CDC, NIH, WHO
Many of us with a libertarian frame of mind presume as a matter of theory that the interests of business are at odds with those of government. That’s generally true for businesses of a certain size. The regulations and taxes one faces in running an enterprise in the “land of […]
Monkeypox: Same Players, Same Playbook
Is history repeating? Only recently the world has witnessed a rise in monkeypox cases outside of Africa. Health advisors who saw their influence and power rise when the world was confronted by the COVID-19 crisis, are now jumping on the monkeypox bandwagon, already calling the recent monkeypox outbreak an epidemic. […]