Telegram chief executive Pavel Durov has been arrested by French police at an airport north of Paris. Mr Durov was detained after his private jet had landed at Le Bourget Airport, French media reported. According to officials the 39-year-old billionaire was arrested under a warrant for offences related to the […]
Elon Musk Breaks the Internet in Unexpected BBC Interview – Clip Compilation
âDoes the BBC hold itself at all responsible for misinformation regarding masking and side effects of vaccinations â and not reporting on that at all?â âYou just lied!â pressed Elon Musk to BBC reporter James Clayton. âYou said you experienced more hateful content [on Twitter] and then couldnât name a single example. […]
“Died Suddenly” is all about those “vaccines” killing people; and so the BBC is trying to kill “Died Suddenly”
Some day it will be clear that such hit-pieces on that must-see documentary (the BBC’s is not the only one) are nothing more than Holocaust denial First, if you have not yet seen Died Suddenly, the killer documentary that dropped two days ago, I urge you to watch it as soon as […]
The BBC Is Working to Cover Up Vaccine Injuries by Policing Social Media Groups
The British public service broadcaster bragged about helping Facebook shut down a group with 300,000 members who were sharing stories of suspected vaccine-related injuries. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM â The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the public service TV and radio broadcaster of the British government, recently gloated over alerting Facebook to remove groups […]