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Doctors Censored by The Lancet in Paper that Found 74% mRNA Vaccine-Related Cause of Death

Dr Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, and colleagues were censored by the formerly respected scientific journal The Lancet: their paper, removed within 24 hours, found that 74% of the deaths following mRNA vaccine injection were likely caused by the injection.
I posted a commend on the Lancet preprint server the day the paper was put up, suggesting that it looked sound and that I believed it deserved publication and was told that my comment was under review. When the paper was removed the following day and I saw the curt reason stated,, I tried posting another comment requesting the reasons and noting that their comment about their ability to remove a paper “if we determine that it has violated our screening criteria” seemed unduly harsh and asked just how the paper “violated’ their screening criteria. There was no reply to either query.. I further commented that their silence smacked as unprofessional to the extreme. The whole mess has reminded me of former NEJM editor Marcia Angell’s observation that medical journals have devolved into nothing but propaganda vessels for Big Pharma