
The cognitive dissonance and the opposing realities that Team Covid and Team Medical Freedom are living in are dizzying.
As always, the news is moving faster than humans ever processed information before, so here’s a quick recap of where we’re at:
Team Medical Freedom:
- Extracted admission from a high-ranking Pfizer representative that the drug company never tested Covid vaccines for transmission rates before releasing them to the public.
- The Special Covid Committee of the European Union is pushing hard to demand answers from the pharmaceutical companies regarding hidden data, redacted contracts, and adverse events from the vaccine.
- Side effects of myocarditis and menstrual irregularities have broken through the media dam and are now considered common knowledge.
- Multiple State Governors have publicly committed to rejecting CDC guidelines to add Covid vaccines to the childhood vaccine schedule.
- It’s common knowledge that most people, vaccinated and unvaccinated already have been infected with Covid-19 and possess some form of immunity.
- The courts are striking down Covid vaccine mandates that were unconstitutional, yet much damage has already been done that cannot be reversed.
- Excess mortality rates are spiking in highly vaccinated countries.
- News reports of collapses and sudden deaths have skyrocketed. Comments sections are flooded with assumptions that vaccines are to blame for this phenomenon.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg of information that’s being shared through the ever-growing alternate media network. It should be enough to make any reasonable person decide that they’re going to hold off on getting any more shots for themselves or their kids. Yet there’s a sizeable portion of the population that simply cannot process the above information. Some of them have never been confronted with these concepts, and some get angry if they come across them in any form. Unfortunately for us, while dwindling, Team Covid is still holding a significant amount of power and influence, and while a segment of the population has fully lost trust in the entire medical establishment, with an emphasis on vaccines, Team Covid is charging full steam ahead.
Team Covid:
- Approved adding Covid vaccines to the childhood vaccine schedule.
- CDC launched an all-out campaign to convince the people to get the new, updated vaccine, hashtag and all. This tweet ratio demonstrates the dichotomy between their messaging and the people’s perspective
- President Joe Biden went all in on their #VaxUpAmerica launch and appeared at the podium yesterday to read his lines about getting boosted, and then rolled up his sleeves and got one on the spot.
- For the first time in months, certain Democrat-run counties in NY are back to pretending that masks work in practice, and are recommending masks due to an “uptick” in Covid.
- California introduced a bill that would effectively police private conversations between doctors and patients, and punish those who deviated from State approved medical information.
NY Gubernatorial Debate Makes it Clear
In the Gubernatorial debate between Governor Kathy Hochul and Candidate Lee Zeldin, the topic of Covid was brought up.
Team Covid
Governor Hochul clearly stated that she believes the masks were the key to allowing children to go back to school and that it’s thanks to the wide availability of vaccines that the kids were able to remove masks.
When asked if she would mandate a Covid vaccine for children to go to school, her response was “not at this time” and that the legislature will make that decision with the help of “health experts” for the 2023-24 school year. She does currently highly encourage everyone to get their booster, and mentioned that she just got hers.
Team Medical Freedom
The moderator then turned to Lee Zeldin and said that currently in the State of New York, students have to be vaccinated for everything from chicken pox to measles in order to attend school. Given that the CDC recommends Covid vaccines for students, Zeldin was asked to explain his reasoning behind the statement that he will NOT require Covid vaccines for students in NY.
Zeldin’s response was gold.
“Where my opponent just said she will not mandate Covid vaccines at this time, let me be clear to all the parents out there: I will not mandate Covid vaccines for your kids- EVER. I don’t believe that there should be Covid vaccine mandates for the kids at SUNY, CUNY, community colleges and elsewhere.”
He went on to hit Governor Hochul on her healthcare and city worker vaccine mandate and called on her to re-hire them with back pay.
Hochul responded by calling him a Covid denier. Other debates featured the topic as well, including in Michigan where Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer stated that she’s against Covid vaccines for children
There couldn’t be a more clear distinction between the two camps, and to say we as a society are at a crossroads is an understatement.
A lot of damage has been done by governments, health agencies, and drug companies around the world. To be facing the damage while being “highly encouraged” to continue to get boosters is somewhat revolting.
The day of reckoning can’t come soon enough.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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I don’t see a way to block spam comments like the first comment.
You’re right, Bouncedancer—there isn’t one.
It’s disappointing that Daily Clout is so lax about allowing all this spam. 🙁 While it’s great that comments on this site aren’t censored and we can freely speak our minds, it’s *not* so great that spam seems to be taking over the comment sections. 😛
“President Joe Biden went all in on their #VaxUpAmerica launch . . .”
Make that *Resident* Biden. There is no “President” Biden. It was a fraudulent “election.”