Children Dying. Are We OK With This?

The VAERS system is a databank housing vaccine incidents. It is estimated the number of cases reported comes in around 1% of all incidents. And this 1%, is largely the most severe cases in nature.
While this figure accounts for all age groups, actuarial data confirms the rise death rates in younger populations; those that are deemed “otherwise healthy”. Between athletes acquiring myocarditis and turbo cancers becoming normalized for all, it should be an overarching RED FLAG when it comes to kids.
Looks like the depopulation strategy is working. Between Planned Parenthood sterilizing those seeking abortions without their knowledge, commercially farmed food causing disease, and incredulous amounts of drugs and vaccines being pumped into those under 25… we are up to 90 doses for kids, presently. It has become glaringly obvious how SICK and DEAD they want us all.
To ease such dreaded realizations, there is a film out with a dark, catchy tune about getting genetic shots with one singing that it’s “OK to pass away”. Affecting… CHILDREN, much to the likes of the COVID ads targeting children without implication, are very real.
We cannot rely on traditional media sources, sold-out physicians peddling Big Pharma, or educational institutions to deliver appropriate and moral teachings to our future generations.
This responsibility lies in our hands.
As a community, as the bringers of truth and the destruction of evil, it is up to us. The deceivers are pressing in and attempting to capture and control our futures from every angle. These Globalists will stop at nothing. They are not going to recede, they are not going to one day wake up and say “Oops, we were wrong”. They will not serve what justice is necessary.
The sicko party of eugenicists will remain until we take charge of ourselves and our youth. If you don’t believe me, just watch this disturbing video on “Dying With Dignity.” Is this satire or art imitating life?
As Senior Advisor for The Wellness Company, Scientist, and Epidemiologist, I advocate for everyone’s health, safety, and well-being.
We have proudly formulated a nutraceutical that is safe and natural for kids and those who can’t take our Signature Spike Support! What’s more, though we advise consultation with your physician, our non-GMO ingredients are even safe for breastfeeding women.
Kids Spike Support can protect from shedding of Spike Protein as well as break down Spike Protein being stored in the body from taking any of the COVID-19 injections.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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