Calcified Placentas: A Nurse Midwife’s Disturbing Testimony

“Instead of having a clear vein pattern where the vessels are very red … we see this cloudiness coming up around the vessels.”
Maternal deaths are up about 40% from pre-pandemic levels, according to a recent report, based on data from the National Vital Statistics System. This alarming rise in maternal mortality has been linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the situation only worsened when COVID-19 vaccinations were introduced.
To shed light on the situation, Dr. Naomi Wolf interviewed Ellen Jasmer, a highly experienced nurse midwife with over 45 years of experience in delivering babies. Jasmer and her colleagues at Sierra Natural Birth Center in Sonora, CA, have witnessed some unusual and disturbing things in their practice since the pandemic began.
Ms. Jasmer attests that placentas are calcifying on the baby’s side of the placenta like she’s never seen before in her career. And in this interview, she reveals the impact this new phenomenon has had on unborn and newborn babies.
The Greatest Crime In Human History Ever Recorded Is Coming Soon in Paperback Form
The damning information that Pfizer, and as such, what the FDA knew, and wanted to keep hidden for 75 years, has been thoroughly documented and compiled into a paperback book.
These important summaries, which detail astonishing ranges of deaths, disabilities, and other systematic harms to subjects, contain vastly important headlines: twenty forms of menstrual damage to women — how Pfizer covered up a flood of adverse events — PEG in breast milk — within a month of rollout, Pfizer knew the mRNA vaccines did not work.
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The question of transference/shedding also came to my mind as a catalyst of the noted irregular changes Ms. Jasmer is witnessing in the pregnant women in her care. My husband passed due to clots blocking his liver 21 days after a second C inoculation. Due to my insistence that he stay out of the house for at least 6 weeks if he chose to have the experimental corona inoculation, he hide it from me when he went ahead and contracted. I was wondering what was going on with me soon after he had had the first shot. I wasn’t around others whom had contracted and began having unusual headaches, pre-menstrual endo pains along with pimples. As the months went by i recognized the symptoms were as regular, as they were 14 years prior menopause. I was aware of other women being affected by the transference, one girlfriend bleeding after 10 years menopausal. The adverse symptoms of transference are not as noticeable now, it has been approximately 20 months from onset. Considering the existence of second hand infection of these nano particles, and the obvious
resulting hormonal disruptions in women, i feel investigation into the anomaly is absolutely warranted.
I had a 22 day cycle after my husband got the shot (I refused even after threats of firing and criminal prosecution by the military). Then we conceived the next month. And miscarried at 5 weeks. Which is the exact time – implantation phase – that rats miscarried (to my knowledge the only animal experiment ever done). They knew all of this.
Thankyou Wolf & Jasmer . Immune disorders like lupus include every single symptom described in this video. The covid/vax bioweapon has hominids all on the lupus spectrum. Lupus = Long Covid=Me/CFS ad infinitum. . Beyond-Mengele mission accomplished.
Gomo, do you have any links to your info? I would like to read any connection between long covid and CFS, etc. Thanks.
I had Lupus as a teenager in 1995-1996 with microscopic blood clots in my kidneys the developed as a result. I was cured with chemotherapy (wiped out my immune system and whatever bioweapon I had come into contact with at the time), along with steroids and hydroxychloroquine. 28 years later, I have no residual kidney damage and went on to have 4 pregnancies and 4 healthy babies. They have been experimenting on us for a long time.
Curious as to length of time regarding issues from shot, including boosters. Cancers and blood clots specifically are on the rise but I’m wondering about the length of time these issues can manifest? My spouse developed digestive issues soon after booster. Diagnosed with panc cancer 3 months later. Two weeks ago he had a small stroke, which I caught quickly, since I’m an RN, and this despite being on Eloquis for many years due to AFib history.. Cancer, according to an oncologist, apparently can cause clots. But I’m wondering about the time frame of these clotting occurrences. Luckily my husband is doing very well with stroke recovery.